If I don't see an R rating on the next movie I'm ganna be pissed.
posted06/26/2004 05:28 PM (UTC)by
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Don't make me shoot out your knee caps

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03/07/2004 08:49 PM (UTC)
Just think about it, Mk was mostly responsible for the creation of the Mature rating for games, and they won't even give the movies the common decency of an R rating. Lets face it Mk characters are incredebly interesting and the univers is vast and exiteing, but the blood is a huge draw. And befor all you stuborn ones answer too quickly, think, think long and hard. If ther was no blood or fatalitys in the next game, would you be happy. didn't think so.
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06/05/2004 06:52 AM (UTC)
I would like it to be R also. I think they could develop a lot more with the movie if they went for that rating, and if your playing Mortal Kombat at under 17.. there won't be any problem going to see it in the theatre. I don't want to see it get an R for excessive language or nudity though.... I want it to be gory and realistic.
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The Living End, best band to come out of Australia since The Jets

06/08/2004 08:23 AM (UTC)
I actually wouldn't mind it being R but honestly i wouldnt really not see the movie if it was PG its Mortal Kombat and has Christopher Lambert as Raiden, so theres going to be an improvement on the second one.
06/09/2004 07:57 PM (UTC)
HELL yes ona R rating thats how the movie should have been from day one. Thank god Resident Evil was rated R. But Seriouslly MKA should have been rated R and should have had a better director. And think about it mk2 and 3 were dark so it should have been rated R. And i also hope its longer than 110 minutes.
06/09/2004 09:42 PM (UTC)
Even though I only play Mortal Kombat for the story in the gameplay, it'd be great if MK3 was rated R for the right reasons(blood and gore). I like gorey movies, so blood and gore in MK3 would be a plus.
06/13/2004 02:11 AM (UTC)
it would a lot better if it was rated R so then they can finally do fatalities and show all the gore that happeneds in the game
06/13/2004 08:10 AM (UTC)
They wouldn't make it rated R because then they would most likely lose money (less people would be able to see it), movies are not made to entertain, but made to make money. (For example, if Titanic was rated R, do you think it would've made $600 million dollars? If LOTR 3 was rated R, would it have made $350 million? Thought so.)

Plus, the blood squirting out would be laughable. If Scorpion gets hit on the head and then buckets of blood squirts out of his mask for no reason, that would be LAME. The MK3 production company would not want to risk money for someone stupid like blood squirting out of a guys mask after a simple punch. Fatalities would kick ass though.
06/13/2004 03:45 PM (UTC)
what he said :P
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-You're leading 2 things: Jack and Sh*t.....and Jack left town

06/13/2004 04:02 PM (UTC)
Too be rated "R" U dont really need the "Kill Bill Blood-a-thon"....just maybe stronger language, FIGHTS WHERE SOMEONE ACTUALLY BLEEDS IF U PUNCH THEM HARD ENUFF...I mean we didnt even really see anyone bruised in the MK movies....I mean they could have a fight ya know...scratches and bruises...and then do a "realistic fatality" for example: Scorpion could be fightin someone and then toward the end of the battle he could shoot his spear when his opponent leasts expects it and then reel him in for like a strong swift kick that breaks his opponents neck....
About Me

Don't make me shoot out your knee caps

06/14/2004 02:19 AM (UTC)
blood is not a bad thing, Kill-Bill was campy and it knew it too, thats why it's blood was funny. And about the target adiance, Most big fans of Mk these days are over 17. Think about it, they huge fans of the new games are mostly big fans of the originals. that argument was logical in the early to mid 90's, but now those kids are grown up and cryin for blood.
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-You're leading 2 things: Jack and Sh*t.....and Jack left town

06/14/2004 03:22 AM (UTC)
I understand what ur sayin....but I hope those same ppl who want all blood complain that the movie has too much blood and complain the ol famous "That could never happen".....
06/14/2004 12:27 PM (UTC)
quinten tarinteno (i cant spell his name lol) should direct the next mk movie.. it would rulegrin
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Don't make me shoot out your knee caps

06/15/2004 06:29 AM (UTC)
Refer to my argument on that topic in "Who sould direct MK3 Quintin Tarrantino or John Woo" Then you will see my opinion on that matter.
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06/16/2004 01:12 PM (UTC)
yes i think it should be gory and all

we all would like to see some charactrers get decapitated and cut up
06/16/2004 10:51 PM (UTC)
Mortal Kombat with an R rating would be great. I wish that it would be gory and capture the true feeling of Mortal Kombat. In each fights I want to see cuts and bruises from different battles and I want to see limbs severed, heads decapitated, body's sucked dry like in "The Mummy Returns and all the good stuff.

I also want that damn movie to be long as hell so it could tell the whole story without rushing through it, and also give us time to know each and every character so we don't have characters like Baraka and Rain in the movies who make their apperences for 5 mineuts then get killed off.
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06/18/2004 06:49 AM (UTC)
This is a major issue and I'm glad someone brought it up. I think that it would be cool to see a LITTLE more blood and goriness, but I think the PG-13 rating is more suitable and appropriate. In Mortal Kombat the only blood I saw was in the final fight between Liu Kang and Sheng Tsung in the Black Tower in outworld where Liu gets in a punch to Sheng in which he busts Sheng's lip and he starts to bleed a little...nothing more...AND THE MOVIE WAS STILL A HIT. My point...more blood and guts doesn't exactly mean a better movie. And to respond to the questions if Titanic and LOTR were rated R, would they have made more money? I doubt it...when you raise the rating of a movie you get less income and some people think that the income of a movie isn't important and it is...Check this...do you think that if the producers of MK:A knew that it was gonna do as bad as it did, do you think they would have had a second thought about making the movie?...I'm pretty sure they would. So I think they should stay with the PG-13 rating.
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Don't make me shoot out your knee caps

06/19/2004 04:38 AM (UTC)
DUDE! did you even read my rebutle to a simmilar argument earler! Lesten, MK was a hit at PG-13 becaus it was made in the early 90's, and in the early 90's the huge fans of MK weeeere 13. Now they are grown up, there all at the age now that they won't be as interested in a MK film at a 13 year old level. Come on how many die hards do you know under 17. Seriously.
06/19/2004 04:44 AM (UTC)
well im only 15, but i have no problem with the rating as long as the movie turns out to be an AWESOME WOW that will have people talkin GOOD about it.......i agree, at first i didnt want it to be rated R. but now that i have become a bigger fan, i just want it to look good and realistic and to be really entertaining and NON boring, make is pg 13 or R, as long as its awsome, entertaining and realistic
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06/19/2004 05:59 AM (UTC)

king_of_Timbodia Wrote:
DUDE! did you even read my rebutle to a simmilar argument earler! Lesten, MK was a hit at PG-13 becaus it was made in the early 90's, and in the early 90's the huge fans of MK weeeere 13. Now they are grown up, there all at the age now that they won't be as interested in a MK film at a 13 year old level. Come on how many die hards do you know under 17. Seriously.

First of all...I know a lot of die hard MK fans under 17, maybe not as many as in the 90's. That you're right of, but the main reason is because you have to realize that some people go to see a movie because they think it will be good. They don't have to be a die hard fan. Example: Lord of the Rings. I've never read a single book and still went to see the movie. Which is exactly what fan base that the movie will be losing if they rate the movie R. Some kids may see the movie and not even have heard of Mortal Kombat and suddenly its their new hobby, they talk about it with all the other kids in school, and they're complete die-hard fans. Some may have discovered the MK legacy from older siblings or friends. And also, kids 16 and under dwell on the video games. People that truly care about MK won't care about the PG-13 rating and go and support the movie and see it. The ones you say don't want to see a movie at a 13 year old level, have probably already moved on and forgotten about MK. Don't get me wrong, I could care less if it's rated R or PG-13, but for the goodness sake of the movie and my hopes for it to be a blockbuster hit, I'd rather have it PG-13.
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Don't make me shoot out your knee caps

06/19/2004 05:40 PM (UTC)
Yah, Yah, Yah, But take this into consideration, would Matrix have been as popular and sucessful with a PG-13. Matrix has just as much a cult following as LOR and they are definetly R. The R rating allows you room to do more. Think about it what is a more viol;ent concept Matrix or MK. Of coarse it's MK, people know that and will expect it. Anything less will leave people unimpressed.
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06/20/2004 01:33 AM (UTC)

king_of_Timbodia Wrote:
Yah, Yah, Yah, But take this into consideration, would Matrix have been as popular and sucessful with a PG-13. Matrix has just as much a cult following as LOR and they are definetly R. The R rating allows you room to do more. Think about it what is a more viol;ent concept Matrix or MK. Of coarse it's MK, people know that and will expect it. Anything less will leave people unimpressed.

You're absolutely right, the violence factor plays a big part in impressing the audience, but all I'm sayin is that if the movie has an awesome and well thought out storyline and some of the best martial arts you've ever seen like in the first movie. Then it shouldn't matter which rating you give the movie like i said....
If its PG-13 the younger crowd will be the majority of the audience. If rated R the older crowd will be the majority, but either way I'm pretty sure the movie will be great. But don't get me wrong, i agree that the movie would do fairly well with an R rating.
06/20/2004 02:57 AM (UTC)

king_of_Timbodia Wrote:
Yah, Yah, Yah, But take this into consideration, would Matrix have been as popular and sucessful with a PG-13. Matrix has just as much a cult following as LOR and they are definetly R. The R rating allows you room to do more. Think about it what is a more viol;ent concept Matrix or MK. Of coarse it's MK, people know that and will expect it. Anything less will leave people unimpressed.

Well The Matrix wasn't THAT gory, a 5 year old wouldn't have found that movie gory. So it wouldn't be that bad for children to watch. Now watching people get their heads blown off would disturb people (not me, but other people). And plus, The Matrix went downhill right after Reloaded. Most of the biggest movies ever were PG-13/PG, Titanic, Star Wars, Spider-Man. When you have a lower rating, you make more money. Period.
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I love to take risks just for fan approval! The rush and excitement from the crowd is all that matters to me!
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06/20/2004 03:47 AM (UTC)
My point exactly, thank you.
About Me

Don't make me shoot out your knee caps

06/20/2004 11:33 PM (UTC)
GOD!!!! are you guys dence or somthing. I am interestid in the best movie, not a pice of crap that makes alot of cash! Mony is important, and if you do the movie corectly then more money will come after the anitial releas. No MK will ever make the top grossing movies anyway, so get that idea out of your skulls right now. But if you guys want a piece of crap like MK:A then be my frigin guest! As for me, I will hold out for a good movie.
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WHY MK:DA isin't on COMPUTER :'(

06/21/2004 12:49 AM (UTC)
I'm looking forware to MK3 as the BEST movie i've ever seen though im 15 years but i still want a movie wheres blood and core.If i wont be able to go to cinema cuz of my low age ...well then i'll just download it from internet.
One think i sertain...i MUST see this filmsmile
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