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Joe-Von-Zombie Wrote:
Have you never heard of a SWAT unit? Jax's unit resembles a SWAT unit rather than military. As far as the deviations go, its called " putting your creative stamp on things" Grant Morrison, Denny O' Neal and Frank Miller did it with Batman. Kevin Tancharoen and Paul W.S. Anderson did it with Mortal Kombat.
Have you never heard of a SWAT unit? Jax's unit resembles a SWAT unit rather than military. As far as the deviations go, its called " putting your creative stamp on things" Grant Morrison, Denny O' Neal and Frank Miller did it with Batman. Kevin Tancharoen and Paul W.S. Anderson did it with Mortal Kombat.
Have you read the City Police Department emblem on the wall?
Granted, extending the reference to a SWAT unit isn't the most insulting notion in the world, but it's still playing a little fast and loose when you've got a simple and internally relevant solution sitting in the material you're being paid to source.
It's an insult to those people mentioned and the method of their work to equate this to anything comparable. Already said ill informed, fully stand by that. Basic execution of genre and product were vastly superior in all examples, as were throughlines and references in their work. Appreciating reinterpretation of established ideas involves more than throwing your hands up and saying a few other people did it. The fundamental strength of all of those other examples is completely lacking in these first ten minutes. It was also part of an on-going dialogue within the source material and medium. The best film adaptations of this work are the ones universally accepted to take faithfully from the source. Paul Anderson's contributions, while well remembered, certainly haven't had any similar effect.
Tancharoen places an importance on action with a tone and attention that has been lacking in other projects. Full credit for that. In these ten minutes, however, it comes at the expense of basic qualities you would find in most other versions.
Loved every second of it.. well, maybe thought the last thirty seconds coulda been only 10, but it reminds me of old shows doing two parters running the last minute in slo motion of someone escaping or running to battle.
The main four characters were perfect.. Jeri has the right elements of Sonya - beautiful (seriously, whether or not you think she's hot, if you don't think she's beautiful.. idk), badass, and strong - remember, she's been Kano's prisoner for 2 days, she's not going to look perky clean. Kano - wow, great nods to Trevor's performance, but played the jerk sub-boss perfectly.. loved the Lin Kuei link. Stryker as the boss of police i enjoyed, it gave me a reason to care about his character. Jax - MJW.. nothing more needs to be said.
I thought the gun fight was pretty good, especially when it focused on the work of Jax and Stryker.. wish Jax from the game used his gun like that.. lol.
Given the series will have a running time of 80 minutes across the 9 episodes, and maybe had a budget of at most 500,000.. i'm guessin less just coz it is a webseries.. this episode and the trailer are amazing.. cannot wait to see what could happen with a two hour movie and a budget of 50mil.
Cyrax, Sektor look awesome.. love the takes on Scorpion, Sub-Zero and Quan Chi.. adds a different dimension to their character and makes them more like MK1.. Sindel and Kahn look interesting and can't wait to see their dynamics. Baraka looks like a nightmare vision, so while he isn't game like, he looks pretty good. I wonder if that's Raiden he's got in his grip.
The main four characters were perfect.. Jeri has the right elements of Sonya - beautiful (seriously, whether or not you think she's hot, if you don't think she's beautiful.. idk), badass, and strong - remember, she's been Kano's prisoner for 2 days, she's not going to look perky clean. Kano - wow, great nods to Trevor's performance, but played the jerk sub-boss perfectly.. loved the Lin Kuei link. Stryker as the boss of police i enjoyed, it gave me a reason to care about his character. Jax - MJW.. nothing more needs to be said.
I thought the gun fight was pretty good, especially when it focused on the work of Jax and Stryker.. wish Jax from the game used his gun like that.. lol.
Given the series will have a running time of 80 minutes across the 9 episodes, and maybe had a budget of at most 500,000.. i'm guessin less just coz it is a webseries.. this episode and the trailer are amazing.. cannot wait to see what could happen with a two hour movie and a budget of 50mil.
Cyrax, Sektor look awesome.. love the takes on Scorpion, Sub-Zero and Quan Chi.. adds a different dimension to their character and makes them more like MK1.. Sindel and Kahn look interesting and can't wait to see their dynamics. Baraka looks like a nightmare vision, so while he isn't game like, he looks pretty good. I wonder if that's Raiden he's got in his grip.
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Siang Wrote:
Cyrax, Sektor look awesome.. love the takes on Scorpion, Sub-Zero and Quan Chi.. adds a different dimension to their character and makes them more like MK1...
Cyrax, Sektor look awesome.. love the takes on Scorpion, Sub-Zero and Quan Chi.. adds a different dimension to their character and makes them more like MK1...
I'd love to be involved in some positive discussion as well, so I'm going to nod enthusiastically at this bit. Some very interesting stuff on the way that might not be a 1:1 translation, but makes a more artful attempt to adapt and contribute to the material. Visually we have some idea of what's in store -- it'll be very interesting to see how they handle one of the best known plotlines from the games.
Sektor and Cyrax looking awesome.
Will be cool to spend time with them and their story!
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Looks cool
I was under the impression that fanboys actually liked MK:Legacy 100% and to the point of giving it a 4/5 or better, just because it is MK. Fanboys tend to like everything MK even if it sucks.
A lot of MKO staff and myself are not overally impressed with it but we are giving it a chance and appreciating it for what it is, especially since it does stray away from the awfulness brought on by Rebirth, which may forever rest in piece as the director so has asked for.
A lot of MKO staff and myself are not overally impressed with it but we are giving it a chance and appreciating it for what it is, especially since it does stray away from the awfulness brought on by Rebirth, which may forever rest in piece as the director so has asked for.
gorostilllives Wrote:
I was under the impression that fanboys actually liked MK:Legacy 100% and to the point of giving it a 4/5 or better, just because it is MK. Fanboys tend to like everything MK even if it sucks.
A lot of MKO staff and myself are not overally impressed with it but we are giving it a chance and appreciating it for what it is, especially since it does stray away from the awfulness brought on by Rebirth, which may forever rest in piece as the director so has asked for.
I was under the impression that fanboys actually liked MK:Legacy 100% and to the point of giving it a 4/5 or better, just because it is MK. Fanboys tend to like everything MK even if it sucks.
A lot of MKO staff and myself are not overally impressed with it but we are giving it a chance and appreciating it for what it is, especially since it does stray away from the awfulness brought on by Rebirth, which may forever rest in piece as the director so has asked for.
MK: Rebirth was awesome. It was different, but I greatly enjoyed it for what it was.
Just as I am enjoying this for what it is. If anything, I'd say MK "Fanboys" are the most overly critical of anything and everything, including the games themselves. It's rare to see any bit of media MK related that even a healthy portion of the fans enjoy, but this series so far is pretty well received, and while I think the first episode could have used some improvements and changed a few things, it was still quite good, nay great, for a free web-episode.

Garlador Wrote:
MK: Rebirth was awesome. It was different, but I greatly enjoyed it for what it was.
Just as I am enjoying this for what it is. If anything, I'd say MK "Fanboys" are the most overly critical of anything and everything, including the games themselves. It's rare to see any bit of media MK related that even a healthy portion of the fans enjoy, but this series so far is pretty well received, and while I think the first episode could have used some improvements and changed a few things, it was still quite good, nay great, for a free web-episode.
gorostilllives Wrote:
I was under the impression that fanboys actually liked MK:Legacy 100% and to the point of giving it a 4/5 or better, just because it is MK. Fanboys tend to like everything MK even if it sucks.
A lot of MKO staff and myself are not overally impressed with it but we are giving it a chance and appreciating it for what it is, especially since it does stray away from the awfulness brought on by Rebirth, which may forever rest in piece as the director so has asked for.
I was under the impression that fanboys actually liked MK:Legacy 100% and to the point of giving it a 4/5 or better, just because it is MK. Fanboys tend to like everything MK even if it sucks.
A lot of MKO staff and myself are not overally impressed with it but we are giving it a chance and appreciating it for what it is, especially since it does stray away from the awfulness brought on by Rebirth, which may forever rest in piece as the director so has asked for.
MK: Rebirth was awesome. It was different, but I greatly enjoyed it for what it was.
Just as I am enjoying this for what it is. If anything, I'd say MK "Fanboys" are the most overly critical of anything and everything, including the games themselves. It's rare to see any bit of media MK related that even a healthy portion of the fans enjoy, but this series so far is pretty well received, and while I think the first episode could have used some improvements and changed a few things, it was still quite good, nay great, for a free web-episode.
Pretty much this
Hey gorostilllives,
Check out the MK2011 forums and see how butthurt the fanboys are over stupid shit like the direction of the story in that game or Smoke and Kitana's hair or the even the fact they tried to appeal to the hardcore fighting game crowd.
It's fanboy butthurt of ridiculous proportions.

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TonyTheTiger - Forum Director
Mortal Kombat Online - The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
Nintendo is comprised of three Japanese words. Nin, Ten, Dou, and when combined it means we kicked the holy shit outta Atari.
Needs more Batman and Superman, IMO.
I want technicolor spandex.
I want technicolor spandex.
I agree with the previous two comments.
I'd say healthy fans are loving the new game, legacy and rebirth.. but fanboys its like have had a script in their mind for 15 years and are devastated its not living up to what they have.. rather than embracing it, they're just saying i could have done better
I'd say healthy fans are loving the new game, legacy and rebirth.. but fanboys its like have had a script in their mind for 15 years and are devastated its not living up to what they have.. rather than embracing it, they're just saying i could have done better
Siang Wrote:
I agree with the previous two comments.
I'd say healthy fans are loving the new game, legacy and rebirth.. but fanboys its like have had a script in their mind for 15 years and are devastated its not living up to what they have.. rather than embracing it, they're just saying i could have done better
I agree with the previous two comments.
I'd say healthy fans are loving the new game, legacy and rebirth.. but fanboys its like have had a script in their mind for 15 years and are devastated its not living up to what they have.. rather than embracing it, they're just saying i could have done better
Agree with this.
Though it's typical for the fanboys who couldn't accept anything different than they own vision.
Of course for them is better to pose as "elite" and "objective" fans, rather than accept that the fact that they doesn't like it, do not make people who like the product "fanboys". Basically it the first knee-jerk reaction of the fanboys - put some label on people with opposite opinion. It's simplier than do deal with reality that they opinion is just one of many and not the truth.
gorostilllives Wrote:
I was under the impression that fanboys actually liked MK:Legacy 100% and to the point of giving it a 4/5 or better, just because it is MK. Fanboys tend to like everything MK even if it sucks.
I was under the impression that fanboys actually liked MK:Legacy 100% and to the point of giving it a 4/5 or better, just because it is MK. Fanboys tend to like everything MK even if it sucks.
Seems you was in slumber for the past...five years.
Even the most fanboish people didn't like MKA, MKvsDC. Many people didn't like MKR and some dislike MK9.
Your statement is unfounded and outs you as fanboy yourself.
Overall, I thought it was a very promising start for the web series.
Although it did not match the execution of the Rebirth trailer, I still found it hugely entertaining.
It felt respectful of the source material and the characters were believable. Jax, Sonya, and Kano all came off really well in terms of representing those characters given the short span of the episode. Stryker was a bit too generic imo, but to be fair he wasn't given much to work with.
Yes, the slow-mo and gun fight wasn't that impressive. In particular the last slow-mo shot on Sonya in front of the door was about 5 seconds too long. However, I thought the hand-to-hand combat was pretty good.
I also noticed some complaints about Jeri Ryan not looking hot enough. Though personally, I thought she looked perfect for the role. In a realistic world, Sonya isn't going to be wearing all the makeup and revealing clothing to look sexy when dressed in Commando gear. She looked rugged and tough and plenty beautiful to me.
Although it did not match the execution of the Rebirth trailer, I still found it hugely entertaining.
It felt respectful of the source material and the characters were believable. Jax, Sonya, and Kano all came off really well in terms of representing those characters given the short span of the episode. Stryker was a bit too generic imo, but to be fair he wasn't given much to work with.
Yes, the slow-mo and gun fight wasn't that impressive. In particular the last slow-mo shot on Sonya in front of the door was about 5 seconds too long. However, I thought the hand-to-hand combat was pretty good.
I also noticed some complaints about Jeri Ryan not looking hot enough. Though personally, I thought she looked perfect for the role. In a realistic world, Sonya isn't going to be wearing all the makeup and revealing clothing to look sexy when dressed in Commando gear. She looked rugged and tough and plenty beautiful to me.
I liked everything but the slow motion with sonya. That i thought was pretty brutal. Like we get it you love slow mo.

johnny_cage_win Wrote:
Actually, it was only referenced in the first MK movie. In the games, Kano didn't kill Sonya's partner. She was in the 1st tourney because she was apprehended by Tsung's lackies because she was on another boat tailing the one with Kano, Kang, Cage, etc and Tsung threatened to kill her men if she didn't.
Actually you're the one mistaken, Kano did kill Sonya's partner, you do know there's an Mk Comic right? It was released with the first MK Game for home consoles, and according to it, Kano did kill Sonya Blade's partner, the only thing that it doesn't mention is what was the name of Sonya's partner or how did Kano killed him. But as I repeat according to this comic, Kano did kill Sonya Blade's partner, and not just referring to the MK1 movie.Noobsmoke92 Wrote:
...and the fact itself,that he actually KILLED HER PARTNER.That is why it is so personal for Sonya,it was mentioned in earlier games and Kevin is REAL MK fan for not forgetting about it.He knows what he is doing and what he is dealing with and that is BIG advantage for this web-series.
Just imagine that Kevin shot this webisodes,what he could possibly do with full complete movie? I am REALLY looking forward to that...
wrdlfe21version21 Wrote:
I like how Kano mentions that he cut out the heart of Sonya’s last partner. Referencing his famous heart rip Fatality. Very cool little touch.
I like how Kano mentions that he cut out the heart of Sonya’s last partner. Referencing his famous heart rip Fatality. Very cool little touch.
...and the fact itself,that he actually KILLED HER PARTNER.That is why it is so personal for Sonya,it was mentioned in earlier games and Kevin is REAL MK fan for not forgetting about it.He knows what he is doing and what he is dealing with and that is BIG advantage for this web-series.
Just imagine that Kevin shot this webisodes,what he could possibly do with full complete movie? I am REALLY looking forward to that...
Actually, it was only referenced in the first MK movie. In the games, Kano didn't kill Sonya's partner. She was in the 1st tourney because she was apprehended by Tsung's lackies because she was on another boat tailing the one with Kano, Kang, Cage, etc and Tsung threatened to kill her men if she didn't.

I really enjoyed this episode. Not sure why people are complaining about the special FX, they looked pretty darn good to me. Also, all this "Jeri looks to old to be Sonya" crap is getting on my nerves. I'm so sick of people thinking Sonya should somehow be younger, which would make NO sense what so ever for Jax to have a partner that looks like she's fresh outta high school or something. Jeri Ryan is beautiful, and as far as I am concerned, is a great Sonya Blade.
Great to finally read some support for Jeri as Sonya.. she's beautiful, bad ass and perfect for the role. If people want Sonya, Kitana, etc. to be supermodels just so they can perve on them, you are missin the point of the story or the show being made. As much as i love Conquest, that was an element of that show im glad isn't crossing over.
These are people who can act, and who can fight.
Kano's reference of Lance "Sparky" was great.. seriously exciting times ahead
These are people who can act, and who can fight.
Kano's reference of Lance "Sparky" was great.. seriously exciting times ahead

CageFan21 Wrote:
Actually you're the one mistaken, Kano did kill Sonya's partner, you do know there's an Mk Comic right? It was released with the first MK Game for home consoles, and according to it, Kano did kill Sonya Blade's partner, the only thing that it doesn't mention is what was the name of Sonya's partner or how did Kano killed him. But as I repeat according to this comic, Kano did kill Sonya Blade's partner, and not just referring to the MK1 movie.
Actually you're the one mistaken, Kano did kill Sonya's partner, you do know there's an Mk Comic right? It was released with the first MK Game for home consoles, and according to it, Kano did kill Sonya Blade's partner, the only thing that it doesn't mention is what was the name of Sonya's partner or how did Kano killed him. But as I repeat according to this comic, Kano did kill Sonya Blade's partner, and not just referring to the MK1 movie.
I have the official MK1 and 2 comics and Kano killing Sonya's partner is not mentioned anywhere in them.
As a matter of fact, anyone who owns Deadly Alliance has the MK1 comic, because the entire thing's pages are in the Krypt content.
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No Cage? No sale!
RazorsEdge701 Wrote:
I have the official MK1 and 2 comics and Kano killing Sonya's partner is not mentioned anywhere in them.
As a matter of fact, anyone who owns Deadly Alliance has the MK1 comic, because the entire thing's pages are in the Krypt content.
CageFan21 Wrote:
Actually you're the one mistaken, Kano did kill Sonya's partner, you do know there's an Mk Comic right? It was released with the first MK Game for home consoles, and according to it, Kano did kill Sonya Blade's partner, the only thing that it doesn't mention is what was the name of Sonya's partner or how did Kano killed him. But as I repeat according to this comic, Kano did kill Sonya Blade's partner, and not just referring to the MK1 movie.
Actually you're the one mistaken, Kano did kill Sonya's partner, you do know there's an Mk Comic right? It was released with the first MK Game for home consoles, and according to it, Kano did kill Sonya Blade's partner, the only thing that it doesn't mention is what was the name of Sonya's partner or how did Kano killed him. But as I repeat according to this comic, Kano did kill Sonya Blade's partner, and not just referring to the MK1 movie.
I have the official MK1 and 2 comics and Kano killing Sonya's partner is not mentioned anywhere in them.
As a matter of fact, anyone who owns Deadly Alliance has the MK1 comic, because the entire thing's pages are in the Krypt content.
It doesn't matter how much people really didn't like this episode, I'll keep watching it and I hope everyone else does and then goes to buy the DVD or Blu-Ray when it's released so Warner Bros. can make a profit off of our sorry asses to make a full fledged film and maybe even a second season.
To the haters...
- Whether or not you like Jerri Ryan, citing her lacking "sexuality" as Sonya is a criticism I don't understand. This is a realistic take on what Sonya would be, and a buxom coed just doesn't fit. Frankly, I feel we get enough of the skimpy, impractical outfits in the games; I'm glad it's not the same here. Oh, and originally Kano didn't kill Sonya's partner - it was her fiancee. It's mentioned in the original Genesis and SNES manuals of the original Mortal Kombat.
- Where are people getting that Stryker is Jax's boss? Jax certainly didn't wait for his go ahead on anything, that's for sure. Also, at no point in Legacy does it place Sonya and Jax as cops again, either. Yes, yes, Jax is at the police station; but wouldn't it make sense for Sonya and Jax to be working closely with local law enforcement, of which Stryker would be a part? I got this from the way Jax was more sitting in on the meeting than listening to it, and let's be honest - Sonya's high tech helmet is definitely not merely police issue. At this point, some of us are projecting the way things were in Rebirth on what's up now, which we shouldn't be.
- Deal with the guns people. In the real world, in that kind of setting, people aren't going to drop their weaponry to punch each other in the faces.
- Please remember, that despite WB's backing, this series is still very much a test (which we are getting free of charge, not even being advertised to) and so the budget will be low. Special effects won't be refined, there was no time for several script rewrites, and paintball guns are a cheaper alternative than crafting new props, especially since most of the audience won't give a crap if the guns could shoot plasma or not.
- Whether or not you like Jerri Ryan, citing her lacking "sexuality" as Sonya is a criticism I don't understand. This is a realistic take on what Sonya would be, and a buxom coed just doesn't fit. Frankly, I feel we get enough of the skimpy, impractical outfits in the games; I'm glad it's not the same here. Oh, and originally Kano didn't kill Sonya's partner - it was her fiancee. It's mentioned in the original Genesis and SNES manuals of the original Mortal Kombat.
- Where are people getting that Stryker is Jax's boss? Jax certainly didn't wait for his go ahead on anything, that's for sure. Also, at no point in Legacy does it place Sonya and Jax as cops again, either. Yes, yes, Jax is at the police station; but wouldn't it make sense for Sonya and Jax to be working closely with local law enforcement, of which Stryker would be a part? I got this from the way Jax was more sitting in on the meeting than listening to it, and let's be honest - Sonya's high tech helmet is definitely not merely police issue. At this point, some of us are projecting the way things were in Rebirth on what's up now, which we shouldn't be.
- Deal with the guns people. In the real world, in that kind of setting, people aren't going to drop their weaponry to punch each other in the faces.
- Please remember, that despite WB's backing, this series is still very much a test (which we are getting free of charge, not even being advertised to) and so the budget will be low. Special effects won't be refined, there was no time for several script rewrites, and paintball guns are a cheaper alternative than crafting new props, especially since most of the audience won't give a crap if the guns could shoot plasma or not.

I enjoyed this. Very well paced. I do have a couple of gripes. Kano was well played, except the actor resembles Jarek in my eyes. Jeri Ryan is awesome, but this episode didn't do much for her, why didn't they show how she got captured? The gun special fx were wierd. I'll have to get use to this Stryker. Didn't know the actor was Stryker until I read here that it was him. I have yet to see what more this series does with the MK storyline which is why I'm on board to check out ep.2
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