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04/26/2011 12:45 PM (UTC)

I sent it to him on twitter. I wonder if he will ever see it.
04/26/2011 12:46 PM (UTC)

Mr. Matt Mullins, you were absolutely sex-perfect for the role. This guy is a talented martial artist and an awesome actor. Lindey Ashby will forever will live in our hearts as THE Johnny Cage, but, Matt is so great and natural that I can easily see him becoming a favorite in no time.

Its already happening.

I'm dissapointed that the next episode is already about Mileena and Kitana, but, only because I was expecting a second part for Johnny. Actually, I have a feeling the three will be involved in one single episode.

And Johnny better not die.

About the Episode itself: the easter eggs, NRS Cameos, and the fun presentation really made it for me. It was entertaining and engaging from beginning to end, however, I do feel a bit of this:

Mick-Lucifer Wrote:

Wasn't perfect. Could've been laid out a bit smoother, spent a little less time labouring on the footage pitch(es). I think you can feel Tancharoen's inexperience as a director, and obviously the budget, but it's really nice to see the time used better and the characters invested in more.

I wish Legacy had a bit more confidence to emphasise things specific to MK. It seems like a lot of the direction is coming from a self-conscious attempt to borrow aesthetics from colourless influences, but again, vast improvement. Interesting casting for Shang Tsung.

I couldn't agree more.

The whole "realistic vision" approach feels more like lack of confidence than an actual idea the director believes in.

Also, the pitches parts really did last longer than they should have. More of Johnny and less of "Johnny the Actor" would have been great.
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04/26/2011 01:21 PM (UTC)
Johnny was a Power Ranger, how awesome is that!
04/26/2011 02:07 PM (UTC)
I actually quite enjoyed this episode, and it's great to see more to Johnny Cage's character than the actor side. It was nice to see the likes of Ed Boon and Victor Lucas as cameos in this episode, and the whole Power Rangers thing was amusing. It would have been more appropriate to have saved Kitana and Mileena for later, but I still look forward to what Kevin Tancharoen does with them.
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04/26/2011 03:10 PM (UTC)
Ed Boon as the TV producer? lmao, genius. The best episode so far. This guy is the perfect Cage from what I saw.

Now I seriously want this Kevin Tanwhatever his name is guy to direct the next MK movie.

Oh and funny how half of the people in this very thread were butthurt when the web series were announced and now they are all liking it.
04/26/2011 03:35 PM (UTC)
haha awesome episode....the ending was just badass! You almost want to stand up and cheer as everyone get's caged! grin Punks were ripping off Johnny's material!
04/26/2011 03:46 PM (UTC)

I LOVE Matt Mullins as Johnny Cage! This guy is amazing! I can't get over it!

PERFECT Johnny Cage! I'm soooo glad with this pick!

I wish they would have used Erica Cerra for Kitana/Mileena. I wasn't crazy about those two other girls, they look too young and I don't think they look the part either. They're good for stunts, that's it. We'll find out in next weeks episode. Hopefully that episode is based on Mileena and Kitana's teen years or something.

but Matt Mullins, you are awesome!!! If you read this forum, we love you! ^_^
04/26/2011 03:48 PM (UTC)
Epic is a severe understatement.

Mullins took Cage away from Ashbey for me, and that wasn't going to be an easy task going in. The THS-type beginning was absolutely perfect, and even though the speed of the episode did slow down after that, it's called contrast, not a lack of good pacing. Ultimately, WAY better than the first two episodes, and I for one loved how it ended.

Shang Tsung? Maybe, but it doesn't say that's who it is. I always thought it weird that he would go to each individual combatant himself to offer the invites, and always felt a messenger would make more sense. Maybe KT feels the same? I know he can stop time, but perhaps there's no saying that an MK courier couldn't have a little magic at his disposal as well.

And frankly, I'm surprised to see so many people complaining about the realistic approach being used in episodes involving exclusively Earthrealm warriors before they ever encounter anything supernatural.
04/26/2011 04:03 PM (UTC)
Great episode!! I MAJOR lol'd three times.

1. At Shaun Lo
2. At Ed Goodman
3. At Shang's songrin
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I'm sorry, I didn't care.

04/26/2011 04:20 PM (UTC)
Two words: Loved it.

I liked the angle they took with Johnny, in not that he was just famous and cocky, but washed up, and a little troubled. The idea of him being completely down and out before the tournament is one I can get behind.

It does make me wonder (and hope) if we will see all the episodes tie together at the end, perhaps as the characters are introduced to the tournament.
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Jeremiah 29:11

04/26/2011 05:20 PM (UTC)
I loved it. I has a cheesy, yet very intriguing charm to it. I'm really looking forward to next week's episode.
04/26/2011 06:05 PM (UTC)
This episode was awesome! Erica Cerra? My Lupo from Eureka! That is so awesome.
04/26/2011 06:25 PM (UTC)
Well Directed but very poor story and acting wise...Cage is a good cast though.

I don't identify anyone from these series with the Mortal Kombat characters...not even scorpion and sub-zero.

This is kids stuff for the kids...they will love it.

Mortal Kombat game story is way better then this one. I feel like i'm watching Power Rangers.

But maybe this is what they actually want.

I'm not looking forward in seeing more of these episodes.

04/26/2011 06:41 PM (UTC)
Great episode, I think the guy that Johnny Cage ounched in the face unyil he cried was Mokap before he got the balls put on him.
04/26/2011 06:48 PM (UTC)
IGN gave it a 3 out of 10! They commented on how it didn't contradicted Cage's character or didn't fit with his character or something like that. Do they not understand that this webseries, while having some attachments to the game, is NOT part of the game's canon? If it was then Jax and Sonya would be SF not cops. And they wouldn't even know Stryker. Honestly I loved this episode, better than the two part Jax/Sonya/Kano bit.
04/26/2011 06:51 PM (UTC)
I'm not a hater and I LOVED this so far.
Matt Mullins was IMPRESSIVE.

But isn't supposed to be OLD shang tihs time around? He got young in MK2 era. he's an old fart in pre-MK1.

I was with a BIG SMILE until Shang arrived.

Let's see what he can bring to the table cause like someone said it... Cary is our Shang.
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04/26/2011 07:27 PM (UTC)
CyberSubz11 Wrote:
IGN gave it a 3 out of 10! They commented on how it didn't contradicted Cage's character or didn't fit with his character or something like that. Do they not understand that this webseries, while having some attachments to the game, is NOT part of the game's canon? If it was then Jax and Sonya would be SF not cops. And they wouldn't even know Stryker. Honestly I loved this episode, better than the two part Jax/Sonya/Kano bit.

Instead ask yourself when was IGN ever relevant or dependable?

04/26/2011 08:08 PM (UTC)
Can't spell ignorant without IGN.
04/26/2011 09:04 PM (UTC)
This was fantastic! I can't stand reading the youtube comments saying it sucked. With the budget they are using for this series it's actually pretty good. Much better than some of the shit on the Sci-Fi channel. lol
04/26/2011 09:26 PM (UTC)
I hate all the 'fan boys' talk ... seriously, half of the hate comments are either fan boys with an over inflated sense of self worth, or people who haven't even watched the episode..
04/26/2011 09:41 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
CyberSubz11 Wrote:
IGN gave it a 3 out of 10! They commented on how it didn't contradicted Cage's character or didn't fit with his character or something like that. Do they not understand that this webseries, while having some attachments to the game, is NOT part of the game's canon? If it was then Jax and Sonya would be SF not cops. And they wouldn't even know Stryker. Honestly I loved this episode, better than the two part Jax/Sonya/Kano bit.

Instead ask yourself when was IGN ever relevant or dependable?

I remember ign said they knew their mk cannon.

But that was an awesome episode. Johnny was awesome wish he could've got a second episode though. Also I thought get over here was scorpions line?
04/26/2011 09:49 PM (UTC)
I have a feeling this is going to turn into a full-fledged t.v series. Maybe end up on HBO or Starz. This stuff is just too badass to be only 10 minutes long.
04/26/2011 11:00 PM (UTC)
The actor they got to play Johnny Cage sort of has a soap actor look. He reminds me of Eric Martsolf and Brandon Beemer.
sean79 Wrote:

I sent it to him on twitter. I wonder if he will ever see it.

Isn't that the room where the pod cast was being made?

Like the Ed Boon part in the series.. props
04/26/2011 11:33 PM (UTC)
That was fucking awesome! I like this one better than episode 1 & 2.

Reminded me very closely to the very first rebirth trailer.
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