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Scorpion and SubZero. Deadliet of enemies,but slaves under my power

11/25/2003 02:23 AM (UTC)
I mean, look at other MK films. Liu Kang was the hero and everything...and people got so sick and tired of him. Plus, with Scorp def. being a fan favorite, it seemed only right to transform him from a spectre serving evil, whos only in about 4 scenes in mk:movie and one in mka, to a HUGE role as a good guy. You'll all understand what I did once you read it. Plus, you learn so much about his past as well as others. As i've said eariler, I gave reasons why he's so motivated, very detailed as well, and trust me, I've made him A WHOLE lot tougher than he was anywhere else. He's got emotion, an edge, strength, and toughness...what more could you want in a hero?
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yoo mom pooed on me

11/25/2003 03:32 AM (UTC)
i agree you turnd scorpion into a litle girl!!1 it reminds me of thos gay movies my mom waches were peeple drink tee and go owt with eachotherand do nuthing for 2 ours!! make scorpion kil mellisa with a shoval or somthing

MKScorpion1 Wrote:
Plus, with Scorp def. being a fan favorite, it seemed only right to transform him from a spectre serving evil.

Isn't the fact that he's a spectre serving evil, and btw, a BADASS, one of the main reasons people LIKE him?

Turning him into a hero, is changing him into a different person.

First off, Scorpion doesn't need a main part in a film, people may want to see a lot of him, but he shouldn't get a main part, and if he does, not as a good guy!

Adding personality to a character can be a good thing, but the personality has to fit the character.

Scorp cares about avenging his families death, that's why he is still walking the earth, why his soul can't rest, and that's pretty much all he cares about.
Joining up with Raiden and Kitana? Hmm, I don't see it somehow...
11/25/2003 03:24 PM (UTC)
I could see Scorpion joining Kitana and Raiden... but only if it somehow served his purpose. I also agree you can't really mess with the characters personality. Scorpion is the anti-hero. You can't turn him into a good person.
TimsMK Wrote:

MKScorpion1 Wrote:
Plus, with Scorp def. being a fan favorite, it seemed only right to transform him from a spectre serving evil.

Isn't the fact that he's a spectre serving evil, and btw, a BADASS, one of the main reasons people LIKE him?

Turning him into a hero, is changing him into a different person.

First off, Scorpion doesn't need a main part in a film, people may want to see a lot of him, but he shouldn't get a main part, and if he does, not as a good guy!

Adding personality to a character can be a good thing, but the personality has to fit the character.

Scorp cares about avenging his families death, that's why he is still walking the earth, why his soul can't rest, and that's pretty much all he cares about.
Joining up with Raiden and Kitana? Hmm, I don't see it somehow...

11/25/2003 11:45 PM (UTC)

12yearolldgamr Wrote:
make scorpion kil mellisa with a shoval or somthing

That's funny on so many levels tongue
11/26/2003 04:16 PM (UTC)
Lets all think of what Scorpion would say as he hit her over the head with the shovel. Something just as catchy as ("come here, get over here").
blade-tsung Wrote:
12yearolldgamr Wrote:
make scorpion kil mellisa with a shoval or somthing

That's funny on so many levels

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<img src="https://i.ibb.co/9yjLJN7/kirbyr.png" alt="kirbyr" border="0"><img src="https://i.ibb.co/Z2K7n4Y/kirbyl.png" alt="kirbyl" border="0">

11/26/2003 07:05 PM (UTC)

Nikodemus Wrote:
Lets all think of what Scorpion would say as he hit her over the head with the shovel. Something just as catchy as ("come here, get over here").
blade-tsung Wrote:
12yearolldgamr Wrote:
make scorpion kil mellisa with a shoval or somthing

That's funny on so many levels

Person starts to get back up after Scorpion beat them sensless...

Scorpion smacks them in the head with shovel


11/26/2003 11:10 PM (UTC)
A little late, but I didn't like it that much. I don't even know why you wish to make a screenplay though. You aren't gonna get the actors, so why not just make it a fanfiction?
11/28/2003 05:45 AM (UTC)
Im not trying to be disrespectful or anything and i support ANYONE who goes out of their way to make a fan script(or any other for that matter) but i have to admit this script just isn't good. i mean u get an A for effort but its story is over-all bad. good consept tho. just bad dialouge and bad setting. sounds more like a soap opera than anything else. i think if u work on it more and try to improve it u'd come up with something great,im sure. keep tryng bro. ull get it :)
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Thanks redman for the sig!

11/28/2003 11:21 AM (UTC)
hmm, how about starting out your script like this:
Once upon a time, Scorpion and Chun-Li made google eyes at each other. Chun Li was excited about her bridal shower, and scorpion was equally thrilled at being able to plan for it!
Scorpion: OOOOh, Chun Chun, let's get the purple carnations! They'll be so faboo with the gold laced doilies!!'
Now sorry bout that, I, like you, was bringing a mk character and smashing his image all to hell.
I wasn't smashing his image at all; it's called character development. For example, Liu was seen as an ignorant coward at the begining of MK, but at the end, he finally faced his fears and emerged a hero.

Scorpion will be the same; He'll start off as the evil ninja spectre we love, but will ultimately turn into a 'hero', and his character will be greatly explored. I understand about some are skeptical on Scorpion being a good guy, but believe me, everything comes together quite nicely in the full version.
ErmackDaddy Wrote:
hmm, how about starting out your script like this:
Once upon a time, Scorpion and Chun-Li made google eyes at each other. Chun Li was excited about her bridal shower, and scorpion was equally thrilled at being able to plan for it!
Scorpion: OOOOh, Chun Chun, let's get the purple carnations! They'll be so faboo with the gold laced doilies!!'
Now sorry bout that, I, like you, was bringing a mk character and smashing his image all to hell.

About Me

Scorpion and SubZero. Deadliet of enemies,but slaves under my power

11/29/2003 05:12 PM (UTC)
exactly. just wait tho until its finally out...then you can bash him all you want if you really think you should after what webmaster and I did to him. just dont get all pre-emptive and everything...or in other words...dont judge it at all until you're done reading it.
About Me

Scorpion Evolution

11/30/2003 12:45 PM (UTC)
ha ha ha.

back then people here were flaming n00bs, now people are flaming each other.
that place havent changed a bit thats why a lot of good people stopped posting here including me.

The most funny part is when u try 2 explain why u flamed by flaming hi hi hi :).

11/30/2003 11:47 PM (UTC)

s3100 Wrote:
ha ha ha.

back then people here were flaming n00bs, now people are flaming each other.
that place havent changed a bit thats why a lot of good people stopped posting here including me.

The most funny part is when u try 2 explain why u flamed by flaming hi hi hi :).

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