Welcome to the MK7 HUB Since there is not a MK7 Discussion Board up as of yet, I'm making this "HUB" so that people can easily find current threads that discuss ideas for MK7. Also, I'm including past threads that discuss thoughts on MK7 so people can at least look at previous discussions.
I thought that it'd be easier for people to come to this HUB to look for MK7 related threads instead of searching page by page for them.

This should serve it's purpose for the time being till a MK7 Discussion Board is up and running.
Note: The past threads are not to be replied to due to the age of the last post within them. However, people can expand on these ideas from previous threads by either posting thier thoughts here in this thread. Simply put, these old threads ARE NOT to be bumped! It's important to keep past threads from resurfacing and pushing current ones off the first two or three pages. The Most Recent Threads Concerning Ideas for MK7
What should be the title of Mortal Kombat 7?!? by $UB-Z?R0
To the developers:The next game desparetly needs a wake up system! by mastermalone
What old stages do you think should be back in MK7? by GreatQueenSindel
Should Death Traps come back for MK7? by Brunão
Mortal Kombat 7-What should be done for the next Fighting Title by InsaneZane
MK Gameplay Primer + MKDA's & MKD's failed fighting system written for everyone to understand in one post. By HD Tran
15 Things MKD lacked and MK7 should have!!!! by Fireblade
Who want we back in MK7?!? by $UB-Z?R0
Martial Arts in MK7 by XcarnageX
Ive got an idea about mk7 by silver_snake
One FACT about MK7, one thing we can be sure of by PsychoFight
New MK7 Mini-Game...POKER KOMBAT by overkill_78
Time Manipulation in MK (MK7 and beyond) by tgrant
Reinventing MORTAL KOMBAT to ensure MK7 reinvents the Fighting Genre, and looks very different from MKD by Fireblade
whats a good name for mk 7 by joyoza
If you had to make a 26 character roster for mk7, who would you choose? by blackmagik
Time for a female boss...MK7 by shintaru
Just my ideas for MK7 by DamRho
Any new MK7 related thread will be placed placed in this "HUB" for everyone to reference. Also, as threads are no longer considered current, they'll be relegated to the previous discussion list and should not be replied to.
Again, please do not reply to old threads. There are some
very interesting discussions that are worthy of being read, but the first few pages need to have current threads. So please don't make me have to edit out the Past MK7 threads list so you'll have to search page by page for them again. If it sucked for me to do it in order to make this "HUB", then I know no one's going to have a smurfy day going back to doing it either. Really, it's not asking much.
C'est tout!
I'm Ghost!
Ghost Dragon