How to fight against Lame Kreate-a-character Combos
posted11/14/2007 12:23 AM (UTC)by
Member Since
11/09/2007 04:50 PM (UTC)
If you've ever played MK: Armageddon online, you've no doubt noticed how the large majority of user-created combatants use the same exact combo. It starts with the chicken leg kick, then 2 kicks with the right leg, 2 kicks with the left etc etc...whatever.

The combo is really starting to piss me off and I refuse to stoop to their level. I don't believe doing one combo (they didnt even come up with) represents any advanced skills. I will never mistake that combo for skill.

However, I cannot stop the combo either. They do it whenever they're near you, and you only have 3 breakers. Does anyone have any strategies to deal with the combo I'm sure you're all aware of? Thank you very much for your help.

--A MK player from VA
Parry the punk or block it until the scrub quits.

Oh, and wrong forum.
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11/09/2007 06:04 PM (UTC)
First, you need to play more of them, and you need to go into practice mode offline.

Make this your goal: Figure out where each part of that combo hits you. Once you have that down (it should take a bit, but it will become fun.), you will know where to simply block the attacks. Usually, the hit pattern of that combo is:

Chicken leg is a low kick. So, just hit down while blocking.

Axe Kick. There are a couple different ones, but usually, it's a high kick and a low kick in one fluid motion So first stand there and block high, then immediately hit down while continuing to block.

The third part of that combo depends on how they wanted to confuse you. So you'll have to watch their tendency. High hits to low hits are usually a confusing so, I'd say, look for some kind of low kick//sweep or stun move at the end of that combo.

Most importantly though, know where to block. Once you know where to block, that will tell you when it is appropriate to parry. And then, once you efficiently parry your opponents, you'll let go of blocking and the breakers for the most part.

Other tips:

If you are also using a KaK (like me), consider making your character faster. Put moves on your KaK that have less a "regroup" time, and it will improve your speed. But know that with speed, you're gonna loose power. What that means is you have to find the equilibrium. This helps to improve your blocking time.

Like "When you see an opportunity to block, and push the button.....but it doesn't work." Generally, a faster made KaK has less a problem with this than that slower, more powerfully built characters.

I never use regular characters, but I never use that lame ass chicken leg combo either.

Hope that helps a bit..
11/10/2007 11:35 AM (UTC)
My strategy against fighters who use the same combo over and over is simple. Once you have seen the combo twice, you should know it’s line of flow. That is does it go high, high ,low high or maybe low, high, high. Any way, you get the point. The thing is, you simply block the combo accordingly. You will find most fighters are open just after they finish there combo. That is a great time to strike. Furthermore, every combo has it’s hole, and if you can find it and the timing you can intercept there attack with one of your own.
11/14/2007 12:23 AM (UTC)
Thank you for sharing with me the knowledge that has been passed down to you from father to son, father to son over the ages. I'm delighted that you have seen the things that I have seen, and have found ways to defeat the button pushers.

I never thought of blocking high then switching to low or vice versa to avoid the next part of a combo. Sometimes it is difficult to tell when a combo is over, and not stop blocking prematurely as I so often do with...the usual consequences. Your advice will help me with this skill.

It is true that there's usually a hole within a long combo where you can counterattack. The AI in max difficulty does it to me all the time.

Your knowledge flows through me like lightning.

Thanks again and have fun in school, it's almost Thanksgiving!

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