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Articles 7 of 7
Klassic Mortal Kombat Movie Soundtrack Gets 16-Bit Chiptune Remix

The 1995 Mortal Kombat feature film is still widely considered one of the best live-action video game adaptations of all time. It's inspired a new Scorpion skin for the latest video game, but one element that hasn't made the transition back to games is the movie's iconic soundtracks. Shapeshift Records is imagining what that might've sounded like with a double album of 16-bit chiptune versions of all the most iconic music! Read on for details:

Late Late Show Sketch Reveals Mortal Kombat Shout Origin

The release of the new Mortal Kombat movie has given everyone a case of MK fever, but The Late Late Show has gone back to the nineties to catch Techno Syndrome in a sketch revealing the original recording of the famous Mortal Kombat shout. Watch:

Techno Syndrome 2021 Hypes Mortal Kombat Movie

Originally released in 1994: Techno Syndrome has gone on to live up to its name -- infecting generations who've come to regard it the theme of Mortal Kombat. Many first heard it during the 1995 feature film and now the latest theatrical reboot meets expectant demand with a new 2021 cover version. Listen to the new strain:

Mortal Kombat Movie Trailer Delivers Action

A series of posters introduced the warriors: now see them in action in the first Mortal Kombat movie trailer! Be warned: they aren't pulling their punches. The trailer contains depictions of extreme violence and a whole lot of spoilers! Watch:

Mortal Kombat 11 New Era Launch Trailer

The time draws near! Prepare yourself for the next chapter in the best selling saga with the official Mortal Kombat 11 Launch Trailer! Viewer discretion warning: audience members with existing conditions may experience symptoms relating to Techno Syndrome. Watch:

Mortal Kombat 1 & II Soundtrack Getting Re-Release

The folks over at Enjoy the Ride Records are re-pressing the Mortal Kombat 1 & II soundtracks on vinyl! The previous soundtrack release, featuring variants of Scorpion, Sub-Zero, and Reptile, sold out almost immediately. Their site now lists the following:

Klassic Mortal Kombat Soundtracks Get Vinyl Release

The sights of Mortal Kombat have frequently been merchandised, but what about the sounds? Thanks to a limited release from Enjoy The Ride Records: audiophiles will be able to enjoy the klassic Dan "Toasty" Forden arcade soundtracks for the first time on vinyl! Read on for details:

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