Midway has come through for the fans again! This time, they've released another bio from Mortal Kombat: Armageddon. This particular bio is that of everyone's favorite Thunder God, Raiden! However, "favorite" may not be the best word to use anymore, as Raiden's bio confirms some information implied in Fujin's ending. From the bio:

No longer will I entrust the safety of Earthrealm to the free will of mankind. The time has come to take matters into my own hands

Centuries ago I defeated an ancient sect of necromancers, the Houan. Though their members subsequently were scattered to the winds, their ancient underground temple still existed, abandoned and unused for ages. On the stone walls within were etched enchantments that would revive the dead. Strewn about were the enchanted chains of binding the Houan would use to control their undead.

I laid the corpse of Liu Kang on a ceremonial altar and bound it with the shackles. Reciting the unholy enchantments, I brought to life the body of my former ally and infused it with a thunderclap of lightning. The corpse of Liu Kang would be no mere zombie; it would serve as my ultimate enforcer. Satisfied, I then set free this abomination to wreak havoc on those who have done harm to Earthrealm.

Though I tried to conceal my activities, my use of the dark energies did not go unnoticed. Shinnok appeared before me and proposed an alliance. He would help secure the protection of Earthrealm in return for my aid in some undisclosed plot. I am no fool. I know well the treachery of this former Elder God. I accepted his offer and will complete this task, but only to discover his true objective. Until then, I will use Shinnok to serve my own ends.

This bio was released in a form different than others; whereas previous bios were available on the question mark page, this one was revealed by Cinder on the Midway Boards and sits on its own page. We'll keep an eye out; as more bios are released, we'll be sure to post them here.

To see Cinder's post announcing this bio, click here. To read the bio page for Raiden, click here.