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07/02/2008 09:06 AM (UTC)
Not canon. I can manage now.
07/02/2008 10:17 AM (UTC)
Good news, tho I like Mick-Lucifer's rather droll idea of a storyline.

What would be great is if they were working on story/character ideas/concepts for the next official MK game while churning out this game and its possible sequel. Taking 5 years between MK4 and MK:DA made the latter brilliantly fresh and original, which is exactly what MK9 needs to be. If that means working on MK9 sporadically during MKDCU + MKDCU2, then taking 2-3 extra years to actually make MK9, then hallelujah MK might claw back from MKD-MKA's (and possible MKDCU) shitfest.
07/02/2008 12:26 PM (UTC)
Though it was somewhat obvious that this game would not be canon
its good to hear Ed and John confirm it now.
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07/02/2008 01:04 PM (UTC)
XiahouDun84 Wrote:
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07/02/2008 02:34 PM (UTC)
Boon did say the next game after this would be a solo MK, so yes, I knew it wasen't going to be canon. Now don't be so shocked if they decide to make MKVSDCU it's own franchise.
07/02/2008 03:38 PM (UTC)

BUT...Leo has a point, still, even though we probably wont know what happened after MKA for ages now, its still great news.

It would be awesome though for this to be a NOT-CANON continuation of MKA, it would be fun AND it could tie with the story and all very well.

ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Boon did say the next game after this would be a solo MK, so yes, I knew it wasen't going to be canon. Now don't be so shocked if they decide to make MKVSDCU it's own franchise.

And that would be kind of cool actually.......but first, give us MORE real Mk games.
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07/02/2008 03:39 PM (UTC)
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Now don't be so shocked if they decide to make MKVSDCU it's own franchise.

Actually Boon has already stated that's a very good possibility aswell.

As to the thread topic:

I'm happy about the fact it's not canon.

I'm actually surprised that there are people who WANT it to be canon. Not because they are saying it, or feel that way... but because when this game was first announced, one of the most common phrases around here was "This bullshit better not be canon!!" (or similar remarks, but you get the idea.) So I was just wondering what the 180 turn was about.
07/02/2008 03:49 PM (UTC)
TomTaz Wrote:
So I was just wondering what the 180 turn was about.

Im guessing because many already want to know what in the world happened after MKA.

Like I said, I much rather wait another year then have this DC involvement be canon, Im really happy its not....but, it would be cool to see it be not-canon fallowing the events/results of MKA.
07/02/2008 04:04 PM (UTC)
This blows.

Just when I thought the MK stroyline was going to get better, they destroy it, and make another one.

The next game BETTER follow principle. I want to know what happens next!
07/02/2008 05:41 PM (UTC)
Riyakou Wrote:
This blows.

Just when I thought the MK stroyline was going to get better

07/02/2008 07:44 PM (UTC)
firesnake Wrote:
mkflegend Wrote:
firesnake Wrote:
This news is already pretty obvious.

Not really since it hasn't been confirmed until now......

All we knew prior to this is MK vs. DC will have a story, that doesn't really say a lot until this update.

This is still btw, people MK8. If you want to though, say "MK9 is MK8 storyline wise" say MK goes back to being exclusive again then whatever...but this is still MK8 crossover or not...glasses

Just because it hasen't been confirmed until now doesn't mean it wasen't obvious.

This wasn't obvious, the only thing we knew was that MK guys would face off against DC guys. That doesn't tell much, so in essense it's really no more obvious then Vader's storyline in SC4.....everyone knows he'll be in it, but do they know the story around it? nope...I agree with DeathB totally.
TomTaz Wrote:
ProfesserAhnka Wrote:
Now don't be so shocked if they decide to make MKVSDCU it's own franchise.

Actually Boon has already stated that's a very good possibility aswell.

As to the thread topic:

I'm happy about the fact it's not canon.

I'm actually surprised that there are people who WANT it to be canon. Not because they are saying it, or feel that way... but because when this game was first announced, one of the most common phrases around here was "This bullshit better not be canon!!" (or similar remarks, but you get the idea.) So I was just wondering what the 180 turn was about.
Exactly ^, I don't understand it either..the fans that WANT it to be canon because if it were/had anything to do with the MK storyline, it would only lead to more bitching and "Boon hating" sleep so I totally agree with you man, better off it's not canon to MK's story/and/or it's own separate story all together....I'll gladly wait til MK9 for the post events of MKA.
I'd be fine with "mk" and "mk vs" franchises. It'd be cool.
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07/02/2008 08:32 PM (UTC)
I know that people sure get pissed off when at the end of the movie a character wakes up as if it had all never happened. That also seems to be the case with non cannon things, except for when the Simpsons has a Tree House of Horror special.
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Rebel. Outsider. Fan Of The Obscure. Politically Incorrect. Spitfire!

07/02/2008 08:43 PM (UTC)
Some of us suggested that the MK team should continue to work on the main MK games while the company that made Shaolin Monks should do any other MKVSDCU games or other MK spin-offs. I do however want to know when MKVSDCU will be set, but since its non-canon and doesn't have any affect on the main series of games I'm guessing that both general worlds of MK and DC will merge and ect but it will be in its own continuity.
07/02/2008 08:54 PM (UTC)
No not really it was vary obvious they said that everything was already going to be clean anyways. Plus your making this more of a big deal than it is anyway.
07/02/2008 10:00 PM (UTC)
mkflegend Wrote:
This wasn't obvious, the only thing we knew was that MK guys would face off against DC guys.

Just because the MK team didn't say it doesn't mean people can't use their own logic to predict something. Aren't video games and comics full of "what ifs" ?
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07/03/2008 03:01 AM (UTC)
Mick-Lucifer Wrote:
So... Quan Chi won't be in possession of himself during this game?

It's a fairly typical conceit any time something like this happens, so it's not surprising in the slightest, but it's hard not to feel disappointed. With the story and evolution of the characters being perhaps more important to MK than any comparable franchise, this really feels like a cop-out, if not a white flag for the investment in the game.

I can understand where a lot of disgruntled fans might be coming from when they say they want this game segregated to it's own little corner, but what's the point? By removing the game from what could've been quick and convenient post-Armageddon blurriness it's reducing the game to the irrelevance it's being accused of.

A portion of fans are always going to be displeased with this game, but I don't doubt that, given enough time and a solid enough effort, there'd be a sizeable portion who'd eventually come around to the inclusion of a game like this.

The comic side of things will be better conditioned to the incorporation of ideas in general, let alone specifically from crossovers, but it's not a complex notion. No, you won't be referring to Batman and the Flash in the future, but what is there for future reference is the implication of a post-Armageddon world in flux, and the development the MK characters will have undergone.

Granted, if there's any plan to develop the characters on the outer end of Armageddon, that would mean having the balls to present the characters in a less-than-frozen state, but I don't see how that's bad.
Better attention to writing really seems like a requirement in the aftermath of what was a grosse bungle for Armageddon!

At this point a game that put forward a shocking (if telegraphed) concept is settling very neatly into fullfilling all the expectations. Generating a new piece of the MK puzzle might have been the best way, whether they know it or not, to endear to the MK fanbase.

Disappointing, but, yes. Expected.

Thank you. I couldn't have said it better myself.
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07/03/2008 04:37 AM (UTC)
Am I mistaken? IIRC, in an interview, Boon said he hadn't decided if the game was canon or not, and that they'd probably wait until they started working on the next one before deciding. Sorry I can't produce a link, but the fact that it was the first question asked makes me think when and why.
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07/03/2008 08:19 AM (UTC)
I gotta say,I'm reading some of your comments here,guys,and I can't believe my eyes. It just... just... boggles my goddamn mind. I think I just facepalmed so hard I gave myself brain cancer.

So here we have the official proclamation that,FAITH AND BEGORA,leotard-wearing superheroes from a completely separate and unrelated universe WON'T actually be a part of the canonic MK universe (not that there's anything wrong with leotard-wearing superheroes,as I enjoy them regularly,in comic form or otherwise).

And you guys are bitching about it?

Jesus fucking christ almighty. MK fanbase is rapidly approaching the Sonic furfags and retarded yaoi-obsessed Kingdom Hearts KAWAII BISHIE DESU NE!!?!11 ^__^ <3 <3 fangirls as the worst fanbase in history.

Mick-Lucifer Wrote:
By removing the game from what could've been quick and convenient post-Armageddon blurriness it's reducing the game to the irrelevance it's being accused of.

Post-Armageddon blurriness?
Is that what you would rather want this game to be?

Most of the oldfags here would rather completely forget about Armageddon and pretend it never existed. Personally,I felt that there were a lot of very interesting ideas in there. But with the complete resurrection of people who should've been deader than doorknobs and the core storyline that essentially boils down to everyone running up a goddamned pyramid with Yakety Sax playing in the background,there's just no way the characters and storyline of the series as a whole would make it out unscathed. Even a skilled storyteller like Vogel can only do so much when he's forced to think up bullshit reasons for everybody in the entire MK universe to get caught up in the Royal Rumble. The absolute last thing we need is another clusterfuck of a storyline trying to make sense of the previous one. It's hardly salvageable.
The only sane solution was to use it as a device to reset the entire universe,wipe the slate clean and move on,which is what Boon has promised us he'll do. A total relaunch. A new generation. A brand new chapter in the MK Saga.

Starting this new chapter with an evidently accidental (story-wise) crossover with a,and I reiterate,COMPLETELY AND ASBOLUTELY UNRELATED UNIVERSE is ludicrous. I'll eagerly buy a what-if,done simply for lulz. I'm more than willing to accept this game as a rogue entry in the series,and I'm sure I will enjoy it greatly as such,but you can't seriously look me in the eye and say you want Sub-Zero to permanently share his fictional universe with Superman in the further canon MK games.
That's heresy.

I love Sub-Zero.
I respect Supes.
They DO NOT fucking go together. As a one-time deal,sure,why not. On a permanent basis,hell no.

It doesn't work. It might as well be MK vs Carebears. It makes as much fucking sense as Disney and Square in that KH bullshit. Fun? Sure,I guess. Entertaining? Seems like it. Refereshing? Sure is,for a change.
But will your nerdrage go through the roof the moment you see Mickey Mouse in a,say,serious-looking,GRIMDARKMCGRIM FFXIII title when he has no fucking business being there? You bet your ass it will.

Noone should take crossovers seriously,least of all people responsible for them,because the moment they try to convince you these crossovers are SERIOUS BUSINESS,they utterly ruin both of the established fictional universes.They are done for lulz and occasional profit,nothing more. Do you see Capcom busting their asses trying to fit their Street Fighter characters in the Marvel universe because of MvsC? No,because they know better than that. Do you see comic book fans trying to seriously rationalize Batman vs Punisher or arguing for the inclusion of Batman vs the motherfucking Predator in the official DC universe timeline (yes,both of these are real)? No,because they know better than that.

Seriously. I feel like I'm being Captain Obvious here.
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07/03/2008 09:28 AM (UTC)
T-rex Wrote:
So here we have the official proclamation that,FAITH AND BEGORA,leotard-wearing superheroes from a completely separate and unrelated universe WON'T actually be a part of the canonic MK universe (not that there's anything wrong with leotard-wearing superheroes,as I enjoy them regularly,in comic form or otherwise).

And you guys are bitching about it?

I haven't taken a census, but I dare say the happy are the majority.
Assuming they haven't confused some of MK's gaudy, brightly coloured, and even leotard-clad characters, for DC heroes.

T-rex Wrote:
Mick-Lucifer Wrote:
By removing the game from what could've been quick and convenient post-Armageddon blurriness it's reducing the game to the irrelevance it's being accused of.

Post-Armageddon blurriness?
Is that what you would rather want this game to be?

I didn't make much effort to elaborate, so the context of blurry could be taken a lot of ways. I intended it to softly alluded to the potential even for a segregated game to ground it's conceptual roots in the Mortal Kombat universe-proper.

You raise a lot of fair points about the failings of Armageddon, but the comic fans probably have the benefit of digesting the game with a familiarity with an on-going medium. The fiction is what you make of it, and the more the MK team can take ownership of that and steer the ship to calmer seas, the better the MK franchise will be better for it.

Not surprisingly, there seems to be a lot of confusion regarding what the boundaries are for a meeting between two brands, and what "canon" means. (I still think there should be a ban on the word!)

Nothing about this game, regardless of it's lasting effects, means the characters from both universes have to inhabit the same universe -- one would think the two differing Earths make that more than obvious, if not the legalities of the two brands...

The lasting influence of the DC characters in a canonical instalment very logically begin and end with the events that bring the two sides into conflict.
These events needn't be referenced any more specifically than as an "instability," but the meaning of that, and other content in the game, can be anything as vague (blurry) as a bridge from the post-Armageddon MK universe which has become unstable and vulnerable to the events of MKvsDC; or as specific as a heavy examination of what happened to the characters after Armageddon, and what their evolution means in the context of this new struggle.

The grounds on which the two sides are meeting don't need to be common. One of the conceptual powers of DC characters is their sheer weight and importance to popular culture over the past half a century. They are as developed as the MK characters aren't, and in that respect, could very artfully be treated as juxtaposing entities to the MK universe, not just morally, but as characters just as familiar with clashing with alternate-worlds!

At the end of the day, MKvsDC is the card we've been dealt.
To submit to frivolity when there's an entire half of a game available to the MK characters, with a concept that very easily slots into (and potentially builds upon) the lingering plot threads of Armageddon, is disappointment.

Those begging for segregation seem to have very little understanding of what it is they're decrying, and in that respect, should probably be ignored. Lord knows MK's pitfalls have often come with the influences of a fanbase more interested in retarding the growth and development of their characters, than surrendering MK to logical and artistic evolution.

I can appreciate your complaints -- they just aren't things that need to be dealt with or acknowledge in a game that continues the MK story.
The specifics of the threat, whether they arise again or not, are logically finite. The characters aren't, and have the benefit of hosting the DC brand on their turf. Why waste the time and opportunity?

This is just another battle with another realm!
Make the most of it!
07/03/2008 02:03 PM (UTC)
I think most of us saw that coming.

MKA's (and in lesser extent MKD's) story from what I've read (BIOS, ENDINGS,ETC) was already overdone IMO. If they would add DC universe to the storyline..blehh too TOO much.
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07/03/2008 02:55 PM (UTC)
I can say I am happy because I don't give a damn about DC characters, so I'm glad they are not really there. The story had to be developed, but not this way: if this game has its own story, I'm going to sleep better.
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07/03/2008 04:42 PM (UTC)
Why is everyone acting surprised? It was revealed a while ago that they'd be making a storyline that would take into account why the two universes are fighting against each other, so if anybody thought that it would be taking into account any sort of continuity from the MK storyline, I hate to say this, but you're a moron. The fact that people have been calling this MK8 is one thing that I was able to live with, but expecting it to be canon was just mind-boggling to me, so I'm shocked that so many people are surprised by this announcement.
mkflegend Wrote:
This wasn't obvious, the only thing we knew was that MK guys would face off against DC guys. That doesn't tell much, so in essense it's really no more obvious then Vader's storyline in SC4.....everyone knows he'll be in it, but do they know the story around it? nope...

So based on what you're telling me, you actually believe there is even the slightest possibility that at one point in the Star Wars saga, Yoda and Darth Vader decided to go to another galaxy to fight in some kind of tournament where heroes fight against each other for an enchanted weapon? Yeah, that really sounds like a canon storyline possibility that all fans of Star Wars will like. I guess Link and Spawn fans will have to accept that at one point, their favourite video game and comic heroes were getting the Soul Edge too... In fact, with that logic, why not accept every cameo appearance for every character who has every appeared outside of their own franchise into account? If it wasn't explained by a CEO of a company, then it MIGHT BE CANON! Guess that means that Raiden regularly plays football and participated in the Quake tournament, and our favourite ninjas Scorpion, Sub-Zero, and Noob Saibot took time out of their plans to participate in The Grid!
Maybe this means that Ryu and Cyclops actually decided that for no adequately explored reason, they wanted to see if all the heroes and villains from their own universes wanted to fight each other! Or that Mario and Sonic competed in the Olympic games! Or that Sonic, Snake, Mario, Captain Falcon, and Zelda joined forces against some random bad guy named Tabuu who was manipulating a gigantic Master Hand who was manipulating Ganondorf, Wario, and Bowser all at the same time despite them all being from different universes and different time periods! Oh yeah, when Pikachu isn't with Ash, it's fighting alongside Samus helping her get her suit back, and Cable hangs out with Mega Man and B. B. Hood to fight against Abyss regularly with the rest of the cast of Marvel Vs. Capcom 2. [/sarcasm]
If anybody honestly thought that MK Vs. DC was going to be officially MK8 and going to be canon, then you all have no clue about how Midway and DC think about these things through. This game has always been a "what if..." game and nothing more than that, so for the love of every deity, don't act surprised that this thing is non-canon.
07/07/2008 04:00 AM (UTC)
Jerrod has very valid points. ^

T-rex Wrote:

Jesus fucking christ almighty. MK fanbase is rapidly approaching the Sonic furfags and retarded yaoi-obsessed Kingdom Hearts KAWAII BISHIE DESU NE!!?!11 ^__^ <3 <3 fangirls as the worst fanbase in history.

LMAO! grin That was a great read.

1.- I love Kingdom Hearts grin (was your Yaoi a reference to the Sora+Riku "gay love"? Is that really THAT overestimated)


2.- Worst fanbase? You havent been to the Official "Tomb Raider" forums, right? If the mk fans give the MK team and Midway a hard time, you have no idea what poor Crystal Dinamics and the TR Team have to go through.

Most of those people are possesed by pure evil.

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07/07/2008 08:05 PM (UTC)
Mick-Lucifer Wrote:
These events needn't be referenced any more specifically than as an "instability," but the meaning of that, and other content in the game, can be anything as vague (blurry) as a bridge from the post-Armageddon MK universe which has become unstable and vulnerable to the events of MKvsDC; or as specific as a heavy examination of what happened to the characters after Armageddon, and what their evolution means in the context of this new struggle.

All of that under the assumption that the realm merger is even caused by the events that transpired in Armageddon. Your entire argument is based on that assumption.
Mick-Lucifer Wrote:
At the end of the day, MKvsDC is the card we've been dealt.
To submit to frivolity when there's an entire half of a game available to the MK characters, with a concept that very easily slots into (and potentially builds upon) the lingering plot threads of Armageddon, is disappointment.

Which is why,as I mentioned in another thread,I would prefer Armageddon to be the origin point of two separate MK timelines - the main one,continued in MK8,whatever the hell that's going to be,and the alternate one,where the realm instability caused by Blaze's death resulted in the MK-DC realm merger. The alternate timeline would then be open to future crossovers.
Doesn't Capcom have something like that too,what with the Street Fighter Alpha series and whatnot?
Mick-Lucifer Wrote:
Those begging for segregation seem to have very little understanding of what it is they're decrying, and in that respect, should probably be ignored. Lord knows MK's pitfalls have often come with the influences of a fanbase more interested in retarding the growth and development of their characters, than surrendering MK to logical and artistic evolution.

I can appreciate your complaints -- they just aren't things that need to be dealt with or acknowledge in a game that continues the MK story.
The specifics of the threat, whether they arise again or not, are logically finite. The characters aren't, and have the benefit of hosting the DC brand on their turf. Why waste the time and opportunity?

This is just another battle with another realm!
Make the most of it!

The way I see it,you assume that MKvsDC's non-canon status will prevent it from experimenting with the MK characters,developing them and showing us the sides of them we've never seen.

That assumption is wrong.

It is precisely because of MKvsDC's up-in-the-air status that the MK developers can allow themselves to take certain liberties and try out new things that they would've never gotten away with in a "main" MK game. And if any of these ideas or interpretations of characters happen to strike a chord with the fans,they will undoubtedly be implemented in MK8.

The way I see it,it's perfect grounds for experimentation.

Not to mention that it's obvious that MK Team are putting a ton of work into this. Considering the fact that on the other side of the ring they have other professional writers handling the DC characters,I'm sure that Vogel and his crew will do their best to keep up.

And as far as "blurriness" is concerned,if MK8's storyline will indeed be based around the fact that Blaze's death in Armageddon caused the MK realms to "reset" themselves in one way or another,I can totally see the MK Team throwing in a line or two about the "a torrent of unbalanced furies causing realms all across the Existence to devour one another,prompting the legendary heroes of each realm to stand up to defend it" or somesuch as a subtle nod to the clash with DC's heroes and leave it at that. After all,anything could've happened during an event so catastrophic that it wiped the entire MK continuity. If the way Vogel handled Johnny in MKDA is of any indication,I get the impressions that he's quite fond of those kind of occassional little winks.
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