04/23/2015 02:39 AM (UTC)
I agree with a lot of the points made but I believe Rain and Tanya intentionally disappeared after Mileena was killed (Spoilers btw lol) but I do not know why Fujin disappeared, you think he would be on the frontlines when shit started to go down, but he just never came back, see I can excuse Rain and Tanya because they probably knew Mileena was captured and screwed, so they got the f*** out of there so they weren't next, possibly to go into hiding until they can come up with a scheme of their own, but idk about the Fujin thing.

I do think with Raiden becoming corrupted at the end does set up for Fujin potentially playing a role in the next game. Its clear Raiden still wants to protect Earthrealm, he just isn't taking anyone's shit anymore and will crush anyone that even thinks about messing with earthrealm, I think that could set up a conflict between Fujin and Raiden.

I do wonder what happened to Li Mei, Bo and Sareena though.

I also wonder what Scorpion was doing after Shinnok was released and left? Was he just too injured to help? Did he just call it a day and go home for a nice cup of tea? I want to know lol

04/23/2015 02:41 AM (UTC)
Jenafella56 Wrote:

DAMN...I hope MK X is known for the gameplay, brutal fatalites and graphics not just for the story mode alone lol

Those things are the best about the new MK Games but in terms of story I am really not impressed/happy. I feel like they are restricted because they are trying to make a movie not a game.

In a fighting game, everybody needs somewhat of a fair treatment when it comes to story, you always have to keep in mind that you are not writing a story for one main character but that you are writing for a bunch of characters who have their own motives and personalities.

2 hour movies restrict you from showing the characters the way they should be shown. MKDA in my opinion had a really good way of telling the story, it told us a lot about characters that were not in the game and where they were, what happened to them and hints at what's going to happen to them.

Did anybody leave MKX wondering what's going to happen next? Nope, next game it's going to be Dark Raiden faffing around with Liu Kang and Kitana as rulers of the netherrealm.

I'm not interested one bit to see what's next in the story of MK. I hate that I don't care for what's going to happen next, I used to be so excited, I left MK9 wondering what's going to happen. How is Raiden going to protect Earth now that almost all the heroes are dead, turns out an actor can take on Shinnok...

BiohazardEXTREME Wrote:

Yeah, you completely lost me with that statement. It completely negates everything you said. wink

Shujinko did have a good story was you look back at it, he is boring in terms of design and gameplay but his story is better a lot of the stories we got in this new timeline.

The guy was tricked his entire life! after I finished the game for the first time I felt real sad for Shujinko and what happened to him, imagine you spend your entire life not knowing the real truth only to find out after years that you were working for and helping the very thing you hate.

I'm sure some people can relate to this, have you ever found yourself looking back with regret at something you should have not done but you were tricked into doing? I was sympathetic with Shujinko, I'm not sympathetic with any of the new characters or the old ones in the new timeline.

Scorpion deserves to stay in hell for taking away Nightwolf/Smoke/Kabal/Stryker and the other dead warriors chances of returning(They'll return human eventually with some B.S reason but I'm just saying he did take away their chances and he knew what he was doing)

Cassie Cage is just Johnny Cage with tits.
Jacqui is a really dumb stereotype walking, she says lines like "I saw you staring at my ass" or "Oh yeah it's on"

Takeda is a stupid spoiled child and Kung Jin is supposed to be the one we sympathies with because he is the thief searching for redemption, we don't actually sympathies with him because he we don't see anything that makes us sympathies. He makes a joke about Jacqui's father being a revenant while his cousin is still a fucking revenant, it's disjointed and stupid.

So yes, Shunjinko is better than Johnny Cage with tits, a walking stereotype, a stupid spoiled child and something searching for redemption that doesn't seem to be a really good person.

He is also better than Tanya 2.0 and another dumb Emperor.

However he is not as good as a damn Ninja cowboy aka Erron Black.

JasonVPred Wrote:

I really enjoyed original timeline SZ as that character had a long list of achievements when compared with the dull new timeline SZ who is inconsequential in every respect. Why is he based so close to the pointless woods instead of fortifying the walls of the incredibly important Sky Temple? Might it be because monks and Lin Kuei do not like living/training together. Why was SZ personally repelling Kotal's forces instead of aiding Cassie at the Sky Temple? Surely his clan can slow Kotal's advance because the Jinsei is literally the most vital thing in Earthrealm. So what if Kotal makes it to the temple later or establishes a base, does he not realize Shinnok is a ticking time bomb within the temple walls! Look up and see the corrupted the sky! Shinnok is literally blocking out the sun with ominous red clouds and you cryomancer are concerned with Outworlders who are the lessor of two evils; who most likely will have to travel for some time to encounter a populated region, as Kotal teleported into the Dead Woods, a place that should be devoid of life, hence the name of the stage.

Cassie ordering D'Vorah around makes no logical sense whatsoever; not that I am complaining as she is the sole reason that Rain lives.smile

Mummy Ermac is ok. Sure NRS using him in the story is at least a step up from Sektor and Baraka but he could have been designed and handled better.

Rain is my favourite of ninjas, I'm happy he didn't die either but I'm just searching for the logic behind it. Also I agree on the whole Sub-zero not going to help Raiden at the Sky Temple, I wish the last chapter was Subby and that he would have stopped Shinnok somehow with the help of the new characters instead of Cassie stopped Shinnok single handedly! Fucking stupid and silly writing.
04/23/2015 02:56 AM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:
Jenafella56 Wrote:

DAMN...I hope MK X is known for the gameplay, brutal fatalites and graphics not just for the story mode alone lol

Those things are the best about the new MK Games but in terms of story I am really not impressed/happy. I feel like they are restricted because they are trying to make a movie not a game.

In a fighting game, everybody needs somewhat of a fair treatment when it comes to story, you always have to keep in mind that you are not writing a story for one main character but that you are writing for a bunch of characters who have their own motives and personalities.

2 hour movies restrict you from showing the characters the way they should be shown. MKDA in my opinion had a really good way of telling the story, it told us a lot about characters that were not in the game and where they were, what happened to them and hints at what's going to happen to them.

Did anybody leave MKX wondering what's going to happen next? Nope, next game it's going to be Dark Raiden faffing around with Liu Kang and Kitana as rulers of the netherrealm.

I'm not interested one bit to see what's next in the story of MK. I hate that I don't care for what's going to happen next, I used to be so excited, I left MK9 wondering what's going to happen. How is Raiden going to protect Earth now that almost all the heroes are dead, turns out an actor can take on Shinnok...

BiohazardEXTREME Wrote:

Yeah, you completely lost me with that statement. It completely negates everything you said. wink

Shujinko did have a good story was you look back at it, he is boring in terms of design and gameplay but his story is better a lot of the stories we got in this new timeline.

The guy was tricked his entire life! after I finished the game for the first time I felt real sad for Shujinko and what happened to him, imagine you spend your entire life not knowing the real truth only to find out after years that you were working for and helping the very thing you hate.

I'm sure some people can relate to this, have you ever found yourself looking back with regret at something you should have not done but you were tricked into doing? I was sympathetic with Shujinko, I'm not sympathetic with any of the new characters or the old ones in the new timeline.

Scorpion deserves to stay in hell for taking away Nightwolf/Smoke/Kabal/Stryker and the other dead warriors chances of returning(They'll return human eventually with some B.S reason but I'm just saying he did take away their chances and he knew what he was doing)

Cassie Cage is just Johnny Cage with tits.
Jacqui is a really dumb stereotype walking, she says lines like "I saw you staring at my ass" or "Oh yeah it's on"

Takeda is a stupid spoiled child and Kung Jin is supposed to be the one we sympathies with because he is the thief searching for redemption, we don't actually sympathies with him because he we don't see anything that makes us sympathies. He makes a joke about Jacqui's father being a revenant while his cousin is still a fucking revenant, it's disjointed and stupid.

So yes, Shunjinko is better than Johnny Cage with tits, a walking stereotype, a stupid spoiled child and something searching for redemption that doesn't seem to be a really good person.

He is also better than Tanya 2.0 and another dumb Emperor.

However he is not as good as a damn Ninja cowboy aka Erron Black.

JasonVPred Wrote:

I really enjoyed original timeline SZ as that character had a long list of achievements when compared with the dull new timeline SZ who is inconsequential in every respect. Why is he based so close to the pointless woods instead of fortifying the walls of the incredibly important Sky Temple? Might it be because monks and Lin Kuei do not like living/training together. Why was SZ personally repelling Kotal's forces instead of aiding Cassie at the Sky Temple? Surely his clan can slow Kotal's advance because the Jinsei is literally the most vital thing in Earthrealm. So what if Kotal makes it to the temple later or establishes a base, does he not realize Shinnok is a ticking time bomb within the temple walls! Look up and see the corrupted the sky! Shinnok is literally blocking out the sun with ominous red clouds and you cryomancer are concerned with Outworlders who are the lessor of two evils; who most likely will have to travel for some time to encounter a populated region, as Kotal teleported into the Dead Woods, a place that should be devoid of life, hence the name of the stage.

Cassie ordering D'Vorah around makes no logical sense whatsoever; not that I am complaining as she is the sole reason that Rain lives.smile

Mummy Ermac is ok. Sure NRS using him in the story is at least a step up from Sektor and Baraka but he could have been designed and handled better.

Rain is my favourite of ninjas, I'm happy he didn't die either but I'm just searching for the logic behind it. Also I agree on the whole Sub-zero not going to help Raiden at the Sky Temple, I wish the last chapter was Subby and that he would have stopped Shinnok somehow with the help of the new characters instead of Cassie stopped Shinnok single handedly! Fucking stupid and silly writing.

I never even cared for the story for 20 years the only time I started to pay attention to it is when Liu Kang was killed by Shang Tsung. Even after that I to be honest, the story never interested me even though I still watched it
04/23/2015 03:00 AM (UTC)

Mileena, Kitana, and Shao Kahn's backstory was much better in the old timeline. It would have been better if their story from MK Legacy was what they had in MK9's story mode. Jade's story never changed though, MK9 kind of just confirmed everything that had been speculated by us about her and explained how she came under Shao Kahn's ward also.

04/23/2015 03:04 AM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
I agree with a lot of the points made but I believe Rain and Tanya intentionally disappeared after Mileena was killed (Spoilers btw lol) but I do not know why Fujin disappeared, you think he would be on the frontlines when shit started to go down, but he just never came back, see I can excuse Rain and Tanya because they probably knew Mileena was captured and screwed, so they got the f*** out of there so they weren't next, possibly to go into hiding until they can come up with a scheme of their own, but idk about the Fujin thing.

I do think with Raiden becoming corrupted at the end does set up for Fujin potentially playing a role in the next game. Its clear Raiden still wants to protect Earthrealm, he just isn't taking anyone's shit anymore and will crush anyone that even thinks about messing with earthrealm, I think that could set up a conflict between Fujin and Raiden.

I do wonder what happened to Li Mei, Bo and Sareena though.

I also wonder what Scorpion was doing after Shinnok was released and left? Was he just too injured to help? Did he just call it a day and go home for a nice cup of tea? I want to know lol

Exactly. It was a lot of plot holes for sure which left me disappointed. Like what happened to Jax and why didn't Jax go back to Earthrealm with Kenshi after Quan Chi was arrested? I guess he was like my work is done, back to the farm lol. I would have loved for him and Kenshi to both be reunited with their kids just like Cassie and her parents were reunited. I also wondered about Bo Rai Cho and Fujin also. Now as far as Scorpion, he never cared for anybody but himself and since his revenge was completed after 20 years of seeking he probably said "oh well, fuck it" and did go home and have tea LOL
04/23/2015 03:11 AM (UTC)
It's a mix for sure. I like some of the recons, and find others to be unnecessary. I would rather have the remnant story line over "he actually didn't die lol." I do wish each character got the same amount of development in the new timeline. The Mileena recon was an improvement, in my opinion. It gave Kitana and Jade the childhood bond and friendship over the sibling rivalry with Mileena who obviously has more to work with being Shao Khan's heir.

Nightwolf, Kabal, Johnny, Sonya, Jax, Styker, Lui, Kenshi, Kano, Kitana, Cyrax, Jade, Scorpion, Rain, and even Raiden are much more dynamic characters with deeper personalities and stories in the new timeline. But, Shao Khan, Shang Tsung, Quan Chi, Sindel, Reptile, Sub-Zero, Noob, Goro, Baraka, Ermac, Sektor, Smoke, and Kung Lao are better in the old timeline, in my opinion. There's an obvious pattern to that list. And as far as new characters go, I think the ratio of better new characters goes to the new timeline. While a good number of interesting characters were born in the old timeline, it is 4 games to 1 and the best of them will be in the new timeline.

I would describe it like a light. The new timeline is a spotlight focusing intensely on a smaller area. The old timeline is on full flood, and lights up a much larger area softer.
04/23/2015 03:19 AM (UTC)
sharefrock Wrote:

Shujinko did have a good story was you look back at it, he is boring in terms of design and gameplay but his story is better a lot of the stories we got in this new timeline.

The guy was tricked his entire life! after I finished the game for the first time I felt real sad for Shujinko and what happened to him, imagine you spend your entire life not knowing the real truth only to find out after years that you were working for and helping the very thing you hate.

I'm sure some people can relate to this, have you ever found yourself looking back with regret at something you should have not done but you were tricked into doing? I was sympathetic with Shujinko, I'm not sympathetic with any of the new characters or the old ones in the new timeline.

He had a decent backstory. If you talk about it in passing, yes, it's good. But the execution was horrendous. I can't feel sympathetic with a character who's that much of a tool. He had absolutely no personality, and he just took it up the rear end from Damashi multiple times, making certain decisions that he could've easily exercised some common judgment for, if he had half a brain.

Besides, the whole Konquest mode was done terribly in that game. I don't even want to get into it because it could take pages. But yeah, bottom line, he's just a terrible character, and what potential his backstory had was ruined by bad execution.

I mean, you have your opinions, I have mine, but I don't know how you can be sympathetic to Shujinko, but not to ANY of the characters in the new timeline. So I really can't relate to your opinions at all in that respect.
04/23/2015 03:31 AM (UTC)
Jenafella56 Wrote:
Blade4693 Wrote:
I agree with a lot of the points made but I believe Rain and Tanya intentionally disappeared after Mileena was killed (Spoilers btw lol) but I do not know why Fujin disappeared, you think he would be on the frontlines when shit started to go down, but he just never came back, see I can excuse Rain and Tanya because they probably knew Mileena was captured and screwed, so they got the f*** out of there so they weren't next, possibly to go into hiding until they can come up with a scheme of their own, but idk about the Fujin thing.

I do think with Raiden becoming corrupted at the end does set up for Fujin potentially playing a role in the next game. Its clear Raiden still wants to protect Earthrealm, he just isn't taking anyone's shit anymore and will crush anyone that even thinks about messing with earthrealm, I think that could set up a conflict between Fujin and Raiden.

I do wonder what happened to Li Mei, Bo and Sareena though.

I also wonder what Scorpion was doing after Shinnok was released and left? Was he just too injured to help? Did he just call it a day and go home for a nice cup of tea? I want to know lol

Exactly. It was a lot of plot holes for sure which left me disappointed. Like what happened to Jax and why didn't Jax go back to Earthrealm with Kenshi after Quan Chi was arrested? I guess he was like my work is done, back to the farm lol. I would have loved for him and Kenshi to both be reunited with their kids just like Cassie and her parents were reunited. I also wondered about Bo Rai Cho and Fujin also. Now as far as Scorpion, he never cared for anybody but himself and since his revenge was completed after 20 years of seeking he probably said "oh well, fuck it" and did go home and have tea LOL

Lol I didn't even think about Jax, that's a good point too. They did really leave us hanging on Bo, dude got messed up and that was it, I assume he lived but eh they didn't really clarify.

I really don't know what the hell Fujin was up to for the entirety of the damn game lol in the beginning he was there plenty, then he pretty much vanished for no reason.

You know Scorpion probably makes a mean cup of tea, bet he brews that shit over some nice toasty hellfire grin
04/23/2015 03:44 AM (UTC)
Blade4693 Wrote:
Jenafella56 Wrote:
Blade4693 Wrote:
I agree with a lot of the points made but I believe Rain and Tanya intentionally disappeared after Mileena was killed (Spoilers btw lol) but I do not know why Fujin disappeared, you think he would be on the frontlines when shit started to go down, but he just never came back, see I can excuse Rain and Tanya because they probably knew Mileena was captured and screwed, so they got the f*** out of there so they weren't next, possibly to go into hiding until they can come up with a scheme of their own, but idk about the Fujin thing.

I do think with Raiden becoming corrupted at the end does set up for Fujin potentially playing a role in the next game. Its clear Raiden still wants to protect Earthrealm, he just isn't taking anyone's shit anymore and will crush anyone that even thinks about messing with earthrealm, I think that could set up a conflict between Fujin and Raiden.

I do wonder what happened to Li Mei, Bo and Sareena though.

I also wonder what Scorpion was doing after Shinnok was released and left? Was he just too injured to help? Did he just call it a day and go home for a nice cup of tea? I want to know lol

Exactly. It was a lot of plot holes for sure which left me disappointed. Like what happened to Jax and why didn't Jax go back to Earthrealm with Kenshi after Quan Chi was arrested? I guess he was like my work is done, back to the farm lol. I would have loved for him and Kenshi to both be reunited with their kids just like Cassie and her parents were reunited. I also wondered about Bo Rai Cho and Fujin also. Now as far as Scorpion, he never cared for anybody but himself and since his revenge was completed after 20 years of seeking he probably said "oh well, fuck it" and did go home and have tea LOL

Lol I didn't even think about Jax, that's a good point too. They did really leave us hanging on Bo, dude got messed up and that was it, I assume he lived but eh they didn't really clarify.

I really don't know what the hell Fujin was up to for the entirety of the damn game lol in the beginning he was there plenty, then he pretty much vanished for no reason.

You know Scorpion probably makes a mean cup of tea, bet he brews that shit over some nice toasty hellfire grin

Fujin probably don't want to piss off Raiden now since he is Dark Raiden lol. But seriously, Fujin helping Raiden, Takeda and Jacqui beating the revenants or hell even helping Cassie beating Shinnok would of been bad ass. Scorpion probably have to use a stove since he don't have his hellfire powers no more lol
04/23/2015 04:07 AM (UTC)
"Death meant something in the old timeline" is the goofiest assertion. Mileena literally walked out of the Netherrealm in UMK3.
04/23/2015 06:20 AM (UTC)
I miss the history of the old timeline. Sure, it was butchered to death and it was like they couldn't even keep it together, but it was fun following it.

However, ultimately, I think I like the new timeline better. The characters are so lifelike now and it does with the series what I always felt should be done with it. I can only imagine it'll get better as it goes on until it leaves the old timeline in the dust.

Every friggin' game in the old timeline, there was a retcon that would just trip you up and mess things up. That gets old after a while. MKX has already had some of those (the noticeable contradictions between the comic and game) and I hope to god it doesn't become a habit.

By the way, I love Cassie Cage. I don't know if the MK Team will keep her as the main protagonist from here on out, but I hope they will for a while. She has all the makings of a great main character.
04/23/2015 07:43 AM (UTC)
My biggest problem with the new timeline is Liu Kang. To me, Liu has always been THEE hero. Turning him into (essentially) another Scorpion just seems very out of character. Making Johnny the champion just doesnt seem realistic to me. In fact it seems like kind of a joke. Not saying hes not a bad ass, just not championship material.

Kung Lao should have carried the mantle.
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04/23/2015 08:55 AM (UTC)
Well, for me it's not really a mix...

I like the old because that's where it all started, that's where all the guts are. But I do like that the new timeline is a lot more focused and seems to have things being done intentionally. Right now, I just feel like they haven't worked all the kinks from the old timeline out of it yet.....and hopefully they'll get all the actual garbage from the old timeline out of their system with the next game.

I really enjoied this games story mode, with my only real hang up being that it was a story mode, rather than an adventure thing like MKSM.

On a scale of 1-10 I think they've done about a 6 or 7 so far. That might be low but, it's that low because (- 1) there hasn't really been anything inventive or new from what's going on, (-2) I disagree with some of the management of at least a small group of the characters that are there, and (-3) they still haven't really opened it up to let the player be creative with the story element like I'd love to see. What may-be the (-4) is that connection to the nostalgic old timeline that needs to be severed in a really great way. We have new characters now, let's see what they got!

04/23/2015 10:01 AM (UTC)
Onaga Wrote:
Cages_Shades Wrote:
Johnny cage is raiden's champion in new(possitive), but old timeline has Shujinko being important(negative)


Liu is dead in both timelines....(wtf NRS/midway)

Agreed, I am not a fan, at all! With the treatment Liu is receiving from Vogel and NRS. Him not being freed in the story mode i can forgive...for now. But Vogel got him so backwards in his ending that it's a little concerning.

I really like what they did, with Liu Kang

I always found Liu to be a little boring in MK, he was to me just your cookie cutter Asian martial arts champion that you'd see in all those old kung fu movies, I always found Kung Lao more interesting with the razor hat, spin and teleport.

Heres a spoiler warning if you haven't finished the story.......

I loved the end of the story in mkx, revenant Liu and Kitana being emperor and empress of the netherrealm, I think this makes their story much much more interesting, and is the first time I look forward to see how Liu's story goes in the next game,

will Liu and Kitana ignore Raidens warning and attack earthrealm? or attack outworld? Maybe aligne together against a bigger threat, then turn on them at the right opportunity

It could get interesting
04/23/2015 12:08 PM (UTC)
I still prefer the old timeline

Things are expanding at that time, new realms, new threats, lots of new characters and the old faces had new intentions.

MK9 was just a fan service, MK Trilogy cast with a story mode.

The story mode is cool, but I dont think that it has to be followed in every game from now. We dont want our favorite characters dead just because the story of the previous game.

In the old time line, only some arcade endings where canon and leads to the next game. Now everything is tied to the story mode.

About Me

04/23/2015 02:02 PM (UTC)
I honestly cannot say: MKDA and MKD had some great stuff, but the old games barely had any narrative aside text with pictures. This new one is acted out okay, but the writing -mostly MK9 but MKX is not slouch itself- is horrible.

Keep to saturday morning cartoon level and you will be fine. Anything else or above is probably a futile exercise.
04/23/2015 02:33 PM (UTC)
I like a whole lot about the old timeline.

But the old timeline had a lore, the new timeline feels like it actually has stories with characters, themes, and an actual narrative, instead of just backstories and plot.

So new timeline wins.
Historical Favorite
04/23/2015 09:42 PM (UTC)
Both? It's hard to say as I don't look at them as separate entities.
04/24/2015 04:33 AM (UTC)
PfrChaos Wrote:
Onaga Wrote:
Cages_Shades Wrote:
Johnny cage is raiden's champion in new(possitive), but old timeline has Shujinko being important(negative)


Liu is dead in both timelines....(wtf NRS/midway)

Agreed, I am not a fan, at all! With the treatment Liu is receiving from Vogel and NRS. Him not being freed in the story mode i can forgive...for now. But Vogel got him so backwards in his ending that it's a little concerning.

I really like what they did, with Liu Kang

I always found Liu to be a little boring in MK, he was to me just your cookie cutter Asian martial arts champion that you'd see in all those old kung fu movies, I always found Kung Lao more interesting with the razor hat, spin and teleport.

Heres a spoiler warning if you haven't finished the story.......

I loved the end of the story in mkx, revenant Liu and Kitana being emperor and empress of the netherrealm, I think this makes their story much much more interesting, and is the first time I look forward to see how Liu's story goes in the next game,

will Liu and Kitana ignore Raidens warning and attack earthrealm? or attack outworld? Maybe aligne together against a bigger threat, then turn on them at the right opportunity

It could get interesting
10/04/2022 02:06 PM (UTC)

The new timeline is somewhat awesome and all, but there are really good reasons why the old timeline is preferred to be more beloved by big fans. We've all been wanting to learn how all the 6 realms (Earthrealm, Outworld, Netherrealm, Chaosrealm, Edenia, and Orderrealm) work, getting to know who trained Li Mei before she participated in Deadly Alliance, and why Shinnok's amulet is important to the games in the first place. Everything that knowledged within the old timeline would later be useful for the new timeline.

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