The folks over at ScrewAttack Have put together a list of what they perceived to be the top ten worst Fatalities in MK's history. In addition to general gripes about Babalities, Frienships, etc. as well as 18 skulls and 32 ribcages in the style of the MK3 era of violence, there are specific finishers they find issue with. Here they are:
To see the video of the list in its entirety, click here.10. Tanya's Neck Breaker Fatality (MK4) 9. Kabal's Face Scare Fatality (MK3) 8. Sindel's Swan Dive Hara-Kiri (MK Deception) 7. Kenshi's Telekinetic Destroyer Fatality (MK Deadly Alliance) 6. Quan Chi's Neck Stretch Fatality (MK Deadly Alliance) 5. Raiden's Dual Electrocution Fatality (MK Deception) 4. Reptile's Chimpanzee Animality (Ultimate MK3) 3. Motaro's Head Pull Fatality (MK Trilogy) 2. Liu Kang's Cartwheel Uppercut Fatality (MK1) 1. MK vs. DC overall.