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08/20/2006 09:33 PM (UTC)
mkflegend Wrote:
Nemesis316 Wrote:
Dude, the Dragon Medallion pales in comparison to someone with Cthulhu-like power (aka cosmic power).

Just stop, you're making yourself look like a fool.

Perhaps if you let you bias for Marvel go, and open your mind to what the powers of MK are capable of then you would understand.

Since you know absolutely jackshit about Cthulhu... well no. Not even the Gods of MK or the One Being could theoretically destroy something that can essentially reincarnate him/her/itself back at will, manipulate the very
existence, and umm... practically be degreeless, immortal, invincible and inobliberative as lon as one memory of him lingers in one of the billions of existences in ANY time scale given

btw, Cthulhu has NOTHING to do with Mavel, as he was created long befo-re 1945.

mkflegend Wrote:
Nemesis316 Wrote:
Dude, the Dragon Medallion pales in comparison to someone with Cthulhu-like power (aka cosmic power).

Just stop, you're making yourself look like a fool.

Perhaps if you let you bias for Marvel go, and open your mind to what the powers of MK are capable of then you would understand.

I've been following MK before you have if your age is correct man, for many years no offense.I follow MK and nothing but, my job is to break everything down from each end.Instead of just saying ohh omegga power, omegga power so what?Assuming, assuming is a bad thing because......

Your meager knowledge?

mkflegend Wrote:
Nemesis316 Wrote:
Dude, the Dragon Medallion pales in comparison to someone with Cthulhu-like power (aka cosmic power).

Just stop, you're making yourself look like a fool.

Perhaps if you let you bias for Marvel go, and open your mind to what the powers of MK are capable of then you would understand. MK has insane powers too, I can already tell that on this forum most know nothing of the MK powers or MK since most on this forum don't even like MK anymore.

Lets see here, you probably believe that Magneto has more power then any of his MK counterparts with similar powers right?Ok, Magneto, ability to manipulate METAL and ONLY METAL vs a guy that's made up of a legion of dead souls or souls god knows from where, neatherrealm and elsewhere, a guy that can move ANYTHING with his mind not just metal objects...

Incorrect. Magneto manipulates the electromagnetic spectrum, and that goes FAR FAR beyond the magnetic pull. magneto can in practice controll
light (photon-electromagnetic particles, almost everything is electromag-netized btw), create concussions...and if I wanna get anal about it, bend the gravitational grid, theoretically pulling someone into a gravity well. And then you are fucked.

God I feel actually degenerate after this inane reasoning you pulled thro-ugh. As far as I go I planned no offense, but don't you get it that you are labelled as the BIAS POSTERBOY for MK? Sad..
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08/20/2006 09:43 PM (UTC)
Preach on, preach on. ^^
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Currently working on: MKD & MKA - The One Ring Theory
08/20/2006 09:45 PM (UTC)
For the current match up, Blaze wins.

And MKF, give it up. Iceman owns Sub-Zero. In all honesty, that match up is unfair to an extreme lol.
08/20/2006 10:09 PM (UTC)
Chrome, please you're so arrogant and stuck on yourself not even YOU would know what would happen if any of these battles were to come true, and you call me bias? lol ok, silly comment for two reasons.One, last time I checked it's an MK site, all here who hate it should get out (my personal opinion), yeah lets have a site devoted for fans, including the ones that rip it apart, yeah that's good for business and really helps the purpose of the site.Sorry, but I don't understand game sites that have a general forum sometimes if people are just going to mock the purpose of the site that they're on in the first place but what ever...freedom of speech so I have no case.That's just my opinion, we all have em.

Second, I was referring to Iceman vs. Sub-Zero.Isn't Iceman from Marvel?Nobody else.

Iceman beating subby or subby beating Iceman is all speculation, nobody has any proof of shit so yeah...keep believing that Iceman would own every MK character.

I admit, I love MK never denied that but most of these people saying ohhh this guy would own that one, give no good explaination except for a few and you're telling me it's not because of any Marvel bias?Right...

When someone says ohhh only the gods of MK can take out the Omegga mutants, that shows how little knowledge about the MK world people have seriously.

Since you're such a big Shang fan as I've read, you should know that he's not a god yet has great power.Not saying he would beat every single mutant, but the fact that he can morph, soul steal.Yeah, so sure he'll be easy to beat if at all by any mutant.He's only one example, I can post up here many more.

Again, all MK would have to do is this lol.Throw out scorpion and have him kill every single Mutant.You know why it wouldn't matter?Because he's DEAD, and I don't care what mutant has what powers, you can't kill a man that's already dead.Enough said.

You can kill him 100 times over, sooner or later he'll kill you.

I know you don't like me and hate me Chrome, just say it.You're not the first lol.I'll still fight for my views, regardless despite the topic on here.

08/20/2006 10:19 PM (UTC)
in this case Blaze wins... cause he gets all souped Armageddon style and whoops Pyro (even if I like him St. John better)

previous matches-
Storm is inmune to sonic attacks because of her pressure-dome powers... and is a FAR superiot flier to Sindel... and those fireballs... are a joke....Storm fulminates Sindel w a well-aimed lighting....

Iceman vs. Sub-
Iceman is far more powerful... even before it was known he was an omega... he had FAR more ice-making skill

I think these fights need to be a little more leveled... for example, Jean should be pre-phoenix jean... Psylocke should be X-treme psylocke (before Jaime got her allmighty)... that was she would be kinda leveled w Kenshi...

I want to see who Emma fights against...
08/20/2006 10:29 PM (UTC)
Why should we leave MKF? Just because we're not arrogant fanboys like you? Get your head out of your ass and realize that not everybody has to worship MK as a God, like you do. Some of us have lives outside of MK.

To get on topic. Blaze would own Pyro. I say this because Blaze is fire, while Pyro can only manipulate fire, not create it.
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08/20/2006 10:32 PM (UTC)
mkflegend Wrote:

I know you don't like me and hate me Chrome


...and be thankful for it.
08/20/2006 10:55 PM (UTC)
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The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
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08/20/2006 11:10 PM (UTC)
Jean would elimnate Scorpion.
And not even kill (because he's already dead). Desecrate the body, mind and spirit of...Scorpion. Poor, poor Scorpion the day he challenges the Pheonix.
Phoenix, Jean Grey Check it out.

Proffesor X could elimate Scopion. (By Constructively convincing him he's a purple bunny) lol!
Proffesor X Check it out.

Magneto could eliminate Scorpion.
MagnetoCheck it out. Just one of the few versions of him on the previous list of Magnetos'.
1. Magneto (1602)
2. Magneto (Age of Apocalypse)
3. Magneto (House of M)
4. Magneto (Magnus)- The above link.
5. Magneto (Ultimate)

And many more could obviously destroy (not kill)........destroy Scorpion.

This is fun! Lol!!

08/20/2006 11:29 PM (UTC)
Chrome Wrote:
mkflegend Wrote:

I know you don't like me and hate me Chrome


...and be thankful for it.

I know you don't, you already know everything.
ThePredator151 Wrote:
Jean would elimnate Scorpion.
And not even kill (because he's already dead). Desecrate the body, mind and spirit of...Scorpion. Poor, poor Scorpion the day he challenges the Pheonix.
Phoenix, Jean Grey Check it out.

Proffesor X could elimate Scopion. (By Constructively convincing him he's a purple bunny) lol!
Proffesor X Check it out.

Magneto could eliminate Scorpion.
MagnetoCheck it out. Just one of the few versions of him on the previous list of Magnetos'.
1. Magneto (1602)
2. Magneto (Age of Apocalypse)
3. Magneto (House of M)
4. Magneto (Magnus)- The above link.
5. Magneto (Ultimate)

And many more could obviously destroy (not kill)........destroy Scorpion.

This is fun! Lol!!

Ahhhh, but what's the point in destroying the body if not the soul? lol Scorpion has been destroyed several times between the games, movies and TV shows.Yet, he'll be back again and again and again.He could also just teleport and disappear, then reappear when ever he wishes say against Mag or Jean. Professor X, hmmm now this is interesting.Ok, say he tells scorpion to kill himself. lol he'll do that and keep coming back only to get killed again lol.This would be a pointless battle, scorpion would eventually get pro X in his sleep hehe.He's a ninja, ninja practice the art of invisibility. grin Or the Scorpion could call the older Sub-Zero, then Sub-Zero could call Raiden then Raiden could destroy them all.End game lol.Fun as always Predator. lol BTW, actually chrome I wasn't incorrect with Mag's powers, I just forgot to list the other things he can do.But he can manipulate Metal obviously as well.
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08/20/2006 11:49 PM (UTC)

Because he is able to control fire. That's his power. And Blaze is fire. He can do whatever he wants with Blaze. Pyro wins! tongue
08/20/2006 11:50 PM (UTC)
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The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
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08/20/2006 11:59 PM (UTC)
Toxik Wrote:

Because he is able to control fire. That's his power. And Blaze is fire. He can do whatever he wants with Blaze. Pyro wins! tongue

Now THAT was a good point!!! You might have just trumped my points on Pyro//Blaze Battle. AHa!

Editing: MKF.....
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The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
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08/21/2006 12:31 AM (UTC)
mkflegend Wrote:

ThePredator151 Wrote:
Jean would elimnate Scorpion.
And not even kill (because he's already dead). Desecrate the body, mind and spirit of...Scorpion. Poor, poor Scorpion the day he challenges the Pheonix.
Phoenix, Jean Grey Check it out.

Proffesor X could elimate Scopion. (By Constructively convincing him he's a purple bunny) lol!
Proffesor X Check it out.

Magneto could eliminate Scorpion.
MagnetoCheck it out. Just one of the few versions of him on the previous list of Magnetos'.
1. Magneto (1602)
2. Magneto (Age of Apocalypse)
3. Magneto (House of M)
4. Magneto (Magnus)- The above link.
5. Magneto (Ultimate)

And many more could obviously destroy (not kill)........destroy Scorpion.

This is fun! Lol!!

Ahhhh, but what's the point in destroying the body if not the soul? lol

Scorpion has been destroyed several times between the games, movies and TV shows.Yet, he'll be back again and again and again.He could also just teleport and disappear, then reappear when ever he wishes say against Mag or Jean.

Professor X, hmmm now this is interesting.Ok, say he tells scorpion to kill himself. lol he'll do that and keep coming back only to get killed again lol.This would be a pointless battle, scorpion would eventually get pro X in his sleep hehe.He's a ninja, ninja practice the art of invisibility.

Or the Scorpion could call the older Sub-Zero, then Sub-Zero could call Raiden then Raiden could destroy them all.End game lol.Fun as always Predator.


Telepathy trumps invisibility.

If I can tell you are there, (cuz your body goes nowhere with out your mind)
I have sight of you. But, I don't need to see you to affect your mind.

And I said mind, body AND soul. Read it again. The 3 mutants I mentioned would take care of Scorpions mind, body, or soul//spirit or all of them of Scorpions'. Disapearing does you no good if your mind and body are posessed by someone capablle of doing so. All three mutants i mentioned are capable. Read it in the links i gave.

Pro X wouldn't tell him to kill himself sensing a walking corpse. He might mentally block the erge to fight from Scorpion thus, defeating him. X did it to Jean Grey to prevent her from hurting herself, and others, and moreover the world!! Scorpion is not exempt from this.
And sleep does not prevent X's powers, If anything it allows him a more capable realm to fight in (he can walk in the astral planes of his mind). He meditates constantly.
You haven't watched or read much on these characters have you??
Or just don't care to learn about them = allows you a bias towards marvel characters. You are bias aren't you? If you think you're not being bias. Your responses don't warrant reason in your thinking. Learn of the characters...Marvel. They're the predicessors to MK characters.

And finally, it's unlikely a phone call to other mk members is reasonable or feasable in a fight of any sort. Let alone one from Scorpion to Sub-Zero (of all people) or Raiden(of all people).

I love MK. Almost to the point of an obsession sometimes. So you know I'm not being bias towards MK. I just recognize when one thing is more powerful than another. Most of the time Marvel will win here. Be reasonable.
Logical, and considerate of the past.

Magneto trumps Raiden. "Electromagnetic" Control.
08/21/2006 12:58 AM (UTC)
Ok, there's no way Raiden is losing to Magneto, no way.First off, he's immortal he WOULD kill magneto believe me.You're talking about a mutant that CAN be killed against a God that can't be killed unless he's in outworld, where he loses his powers.And that doesn't exist in the marvel world so it's on earth.

Mag might be all powerful, but not nearly as much as raiden.He would be moving too fast with the teleports for mag to lock on plus, magneto won't do crap against a huge lightning bolt aimed at his head at lightspeed.Sorry..That's it lol.

Now, I read one of them.X's powers I know about except for the part with the telepathy in his sleep?WOW, talk about not realistic but anyway..on that point well IF that's the case then I guess Scorpion would just have to keep coming back and eventually nail him sometime, X is human, he'll age.Scorpion has none since he's dead, also you CAN'T destroy a soul.Unless either of those three can take a soul, you're not destroying his soul.The others, I already knew about their powers, enough anyway.

Jean, like the other two won't destroy scorpion's soul.Again, he's been destroyed a lot lol.Yet, he comes back lol.You can't kill scorpion, body?Yes, soul?No.

Scorpion could always get her in her sleep, unless of course she can do the same as X?Which I know she's powerful, but isn't X the most powerful from a telepathy point of view?Not TK.

And Pyro would not beat Blaze, this dude is an entity of some kind which we don't know of yet besides his insane body becoming evolved dramatically, this guy created powerful pyramids with his powers coming into MK:A.Pyro would not win against Blaze.

Also, Blaze's full power hasn't even been revealed yet, but we know he's really powerful since he's not the same as he was in MK:DA and he built those pyramids which have immense power.

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08/21/2006 01:19 AM (UTC)

That's a more reasonable post man. And I was counting on you pointing out the God vs non-God thing.

But your reasons why Magneto couldn't "beat" Raiden are a little off. I REALLY think this battle could be an infinite one. Both these charaters would nullify each other. Raiden could not be detained or die. Magneto can ultimatly control the element Raiden welds power over.


Btw, we're wayyy off the battle at hand now.
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08/21/2006 01:19 AM (UTC)
I would agree 100% with toxic on this one, but, the fact pyro is dead, which he died in dreams end where collosus killed himself, i'd take blaze. Cant kill a character that doesnt exist anymore wink.

But good point toxic, i woudlnt've even though of that if you didnt bring it up.
08/21/2006 01:39 AM (UTC)
Thanks Predator.smile

The draw thing, I see what you're saying since they both have a power of electricity and all, but I think Raiden would beat him well...not only because he's immortal but because his power I believe is more powerful then Magneto's.Like, for example in the MK:D intro Raiden shoots his lightning through Quan-Chi's skull shield when he charges it more, and he created that huge nuclear blast himself that failed against Onaga but lol at the time looked to have vaped Chi and Shang literally lol.

I think if Raiden charged a huge shot of lightning, then struck Magneto in the head lol, I can't see him surviving that personally.I think it depends on how Raiden fights, if he uses his power steady it's a good fight, if he decides to go all "chatic charge" then Magneto is done for.Just think even if Raiden should not shoot something at Magneto for him to possibly counter, he could charge, teleport himself right next to Magneto then BOOOMM!!!!!! lol

Raiden will come back as he did in MK:D once he resurfaces on earth.
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08/21/2006 02:03 AM (UTC)
Well, I guess if you catch magneto slippin', he is still seseptable to injury.....wink

I'll settle on the facts:

Magneto is limitless in the aspect of his powers.

Raiden is limitless in life expectancy, even in being delt critical damage.

Both could be considered genius' Raiden due to time on earth and pure vast wisdom, Magneto due to specialty of abilities. Techno-enginieering and anotomic manipulation.
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We've got chicken tonight. Strangest damn things. They're man made.
08/21/2006 02:16 AM (UTC)
Well, MKFLegend has given up the Iceman vs Sub-Zero debate because he got owned.

Score one for the good guys.

08/21/2006 02:55 AM (UTC)
Poasty-Guy Wrote:
Well, MKFLegend has given up the Iceman vs Sub-Zero debate because he got owned.

Score one for the good guys.

I didn't get owned, only morons think shit like that.Losers worry about "owning people" online, it's a fictional match up that will never happen.

Get a life seriouslyl..

Hey guys look, some guys and I agree that Iceman can beat sub-zero LOL....

08/21/2006 03:17 AM (UTC)
mkflegend Wrote:
Poasty-Guy Wrote:
Well, MKFLegend has given up the Iceman vs Sub-Zero debate because he got owned.

Score one for the good guys.

I didn't get owned, only morons think shit like that.Losers worry about "owning people" online, it's a fictional match up that will never happen.

Get a life seriouslyl..

Hey guys look, some guys and I agree that Iceman can beat sub-zero LOL....

Look who's talking...
08/21/2006 04:10 AM (UTC)

Wolverine can heal himself against anything Liu Kang throws at him, so Liu Kang has no chance of winning.

Sub Zero's power is useless against a being who is already ice. Though people argue about Sub Zero being able to defeat Iceman in a fist fight or with his sword... that is unrealistic. Seriously, Iceman would freeze SZ before they would get close, but SZ could not freeze something made of ice.

Don't need to even bother about Storm and Sindel...

Pyro and Blaze is going to be Pyro. Sure Pyro is dead, but this is a hypothetical situation. Pyro can manipulate Blaze to such a level that he couldn't even move. It is a one sided battle.

Magneto and Raiden should draw - I think that is a fair comprimise.

And I think that covers everything...

P.S. Yes I am 15, but I think I based my opinion on facts. If anyone wants to challenge them, I don't really mind. Also, I am a much bigger fan of MK than X Men, but the X Men have developed their powers a lot more and no one can deny that.
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The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
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08/21/2006 08:05 AM (UTC)
Hell yea, now that you mention Wolverine, I'd like to see one of our next couple battles be the two posterboys facing off.
Wolverine vs The Spectre Scorpion. Not official folks, I'm just sayin' it would spark another "Iceman vs Sub-Zero".

And I kinda noticed something(not to dig up old stuff but....).

Toxik, couldn't your view about the Blaze vs Pyro battle be applied to the Iceman Sub-Zero battle?? I mean, same principal right? This is only a question for Toxik.
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08/21/2006 01:33 PM (UTC)
ThePredator151 Wrote:
Toxik, couldn't your view about the Blaze vs Pyro battle be applied to the Iceman Sub-Zero battle?? I mean, same principal right? This is only a question for Toxik.

Yes. That's why IceMan would win the battle. Not Sub-zero.
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