Articles 10 of 11
Black Dragon Harass Sub-Zero in MK Legends Snow Blind Clip

The latest animated adventure in the Mortal Kombat Legends series sees a future Earthrealm terrorized by the Black Dragon clan. In a new clip they target old man Kuai Liang as he travels the barren wasteland. Watch:

Mortal Kombat Legends: Snow Blind Presents a Dark Reality

A youthful Kenshi faces a realm of darkness in the first trailer for the next animated feature from Mortal Kombat Legends. A very different future awaits as Snow Blind tells a tale quite unlike any with some surprising twists and character appearances. Watch:

Mortal Kombat Legends Snow Blind Cast & First Look Revealed

With first word of an animated sequel arriving via online retailers comes official confirmation of Mortal Kombat Legends: Snow Blind! Voice actors reveal a cast of Black Dragon rogues and our first look at a wandering swordsman. Take a look:

Where's Scorpion? Ultimate Mortal Kombat Seek & Find Art

Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermath will bring the playable roster up to a robust 34 characters, but as die hard fans know - there are dozens more in MK's three decade long canon! They can't all appear in every game, but you can find most in the ultimate Mortal Kombat Seek & Find! Take a closer look:

Supreme Mortal Kombat Champion Tournament 2019!

History has never been far behind in Mortal Kombat. Is it future, or is it past? Mortal Kombat 11 introduces a time-bending possibility that the present could be the battleground for both!

April 23rd saw the official introduction of Kronika and a fresh batch of kombatants whose goals threaten the realms, time, and reality itself! With in-game customization, revised gameplay, and a dramatic time-twisting story -- the only constant through it all is the fighters! Therefore there's never been a more compelling time to take stock and ask: Who is the Supreme Mortal Kombat Champion?

The annual voting tournament returns to dissect and assess the current state of the series. MK Online invites the entire kommunity to enter the Fan Koliseum for another year of daily polls that will challenge sixty-four fighters from past and present in elimination battles! Read on for the updating battleplan, poll results, and links to the latest match-ups you can comment on on the forums:

Supreme Mortal Kombat Champion Tournament 2018!

It's been four years since Mortal Kombat X was first announced and unveiled at E3 2014!

Along with a couple of series favourites; initial previews thrust a mysterious new generation of fighters into the spotlight. Their stories were told in MKX, a mobile game, comic book tie-ins, and the expanded edition of Mortal Kombat XL. A couple of franchise legends even made the leap into Injustice 2 in time for last year's 25th Anniversary celebration!

At every step of the way, MK Online has invited fans all over the world to take stock of characters new and old. This year our annual tradition is turning our attention towards the future of the series! We're thinking about what happened last, and what will happen next, while asking the eternal question: Who is the Supreme Mortal Kombat Champion?

You'll decide the answer as the ultimate fan voting tournament returns to Mortal Kombat Online for another year! We're inviting every fan to make their voice heard in the Fan Koliseum as we speculate about the future of the series! Read on to learn more about the ins and outs of this year's unique tournament! Keep scrolling for regularly updated results and links to each battle!

Supreme Mortal Kombat Champion Tournament 2014!

Ermac d. Sub-Zero (Championship)From the Palace Gates of Shang Tsung's Island, to the invaded streets of metropolitan Earthrealm: The more things have changed, the more they've stayed the same! The tournament called Mortal Kombat has raged for over 20 years -- and for the first time since that momentous anniversary -- the game is about to change!

June 2nd will reveal the long awaited next instalment of Mortal Kombat! As the month of May winds to a close, we have been asked a simple question in promotional anticipation: Who's Next?

We asked a very similar question this time last year! In 2013, it was Smoke who emerged from the months of debate and thousands of votes as a controversial victor! Like the warrior himself - the conclusion was enshrouded in a fog of doubt and uncertainty. With the new game mere days from launch - and new measures in place - nothing can be taken as fact! True champions must defend their title, and we must ask the question eternal: Who is the Supreme Mortal Kombat Champion?

The ultimate fan voting tournament has become an annual tradition on Mortal Kombat Online - summoning the entire fanbase to agree on a single champion from sixty-four fighters! In 2014: the event will reflect the promotional cycle of a brand new game - introducing newly revealed elements as the tournament unfolds! Read on to learn more about what it all means and how you can join in!

Tournament 2013: Who is the Supreme Mortal Kombat Champion?

Smoke d. ScorpionRaiden d. ErmacThis time last year, Mortal Kombat Online put the call out to the entire fanbase. The purpose: to celebrate twenty years of Mortal Kombat by determining once and for all who could be called the true champion of the tournament!

After months of debate and thousands of votes it was Sub-Zero who emerged victorious! The MKII ice warrior was a worthy winner, but as any champion knows, there comes a time when the title must be defended! With 2013 marking the twentieth anniversary of Sub-Zero and the sequel he debuted in, it's almost inevitable that we ask the question anew: Who is the Supreme Mortal Kombat Champion?

From the top of the Pyramid of Argus, back to where it all began at the Palace Gates of Shang Tsung's Island: a lot has changed in twenty years of a tournament called Mortal Kombat! We gather sixty-four kombatants and put the call out to the entire fanbase! It is up to you to help us find the true champion! Read on for more details, including how you can win prizes!

Tournament: Who is the Supreme Mortal Kombat Champion?

Grand Final: Sub-Zero d. ErmacFrom the Palace Gates of Shang Tsung's Island, to the very top of the Pyramid of Argus: for twenty long years, characters from multiple realms have battled it out in a tournament called Mortal Kombat! Now, the kombatants face the greatest fight as we call upon the entire fanbase for the ultimate challenge!

In the early days, you could take for granted that Liu Kang would be the hero of the hour, but as Mortal Kombat has developed in complexity, the question of who truly reigns supreme becomes increasingly open to circumstance. Many characters have risen through the ranks in arcade endings, offering dozens of possible outcomes in each game, but story modes and what ifs can never truly reflect the powers of the mightiest mortals in kombat history.

With the series' twentieth anniversary mere months away, it is time for Mortal Kombat Online to vote for the very first time! We hope to gather the entire MK fanbase to answer a question that has garnered debate across three decades: Who is the Supreme Mortal Kombat Champion?

Game Informer Provides Four-Page MK: Deception Preview!
The latest issue of Game Informer has hit newsstands, containing a four-page preview of Mortal Kombat: Deception! This issue sheds some new light on the game, and confirms some rumours that had been making the rounds. This article is more of an interview, with members of the MKD design team answering the magazine's questions.

The first point brought up is the character list, and John Vogel confirms that the boss is the Dragon King, and "he's been very 'deceptive'." Steve Beran confirms some of the returning characters: Baraka, Mileena, Noob Saibot, Smoke, Tanya, Ermac, Sindel, and Kabal are all returning. In addition, Luis Mangubat confirms that Liu Kang will be returning as both a ghost and a zombie. The reason for Sub-Zero's altered appearance is also explained, as they wanted to make him look more Chinese and distinct from Scorpion. Herman Sanchez also gives the names of some of the new characters, such as Kira (a female Black Dragon member, whose sketch is shown in the magazine; her costume looks similar to Sonya's), Dairou (a ronin samurai with a score to settle), Ben (a martial arts champion; possibly the source of the "Ken Masters" rumor?), and Ashrah (a mystical demon huntress).

In terms of gameplay, Ed Boon revealed that the characters will again have three different fighting styles, but that they will be even more distinct from one another this time around. Stage weapons were also touched upon, as Jay Biondo explained the stage weapons were much more powerful than standard weapons, but harder to get to. He explains that "getting these weapons will be a challenge, as they are placed near death traps, hidden in secret locations, and sometimes even encased inside other interactive background elements." In the realm of combos, Ed Boon explained that each fighting style and character will have more combos, but each character will also have "break out" moves (similar to combo breakers from Killer Instinct?). As he explains, "This should really even the playfield when fighting against someone who has mastered a character's combos."

They also discuss fatalities as well. Carlos Pesina confirms each character will have two "tasty" fatalities. In addition, he explains, "Unlike Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance, limbs can be severed and there will be several Fatalities that take advantage of this new feature. One example would be the fatality in which the attacker rips the opponent's arms off and then beats him with them." A couple of new stage fatalities are also seen in the form of concept drawings. The first shows a multi-layer ice cavern stage, where characters break through floors of ice. If a character is knocked through the bottom-most one, he is devoured by the gigantic ice worm lurking below. In another, a large structure shaped like a dragon's mouth is at the side of an arena; when a character is tossed into it, it chomps down like a rock crusher and crushes the character within it. In addition, Mike Taran gives an idea of what to expect:
"... you will see opponents get buried in rock avalanches, smashed by giant steel presses, ripped to shreds with grinders, eaten by giant slugs, gored with spikes, shaved into chunks with spinning blades, boiled in lava, impaled on stalagmites, or cut to pieces by lasers... Awww yea!"
The article also covers Konquest, Chess, and Puzzle Kombat modes. Nothing really new is covered concerning the first two modes, but Nick Shin gives a bit of new detail concerning Puzzle Kombat:
"You select a character that's unique by their special move abilities. Some of them have offensive power moves that fill up your opponent's screen, while others have defensive moves to help clear our your own screen. Each background in this game mode is also unique in that you get to see Fatalities performed on the victim of a poorly played game. Oh yeah, both of these games modes will be playable online."
As always, we are not able to post scans of this article. However, this issue should be available at your local newsstands, so go on out today and pick up your copy!

Our thanks to all those who wrote in concerning this story, and especially forum/chat member GuiltyByDesign for providing us a copy of this article!
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