After a rather lengthy drought, a new bio from Mortal Kombat: Armageddon has finally been released! Apparently to coincide with the release of the game on the Wii, the exclusive character Khameleon is featured in the latest bio offering from Midway. The bio explains her activities during her initial MK: Trilogy appearance and what she has been doing since that time. Khameleon appears to retain her neutral stance, seeking out only revenge on Shao Kahn and his minions for nearly destroying her race. Interestingly, her male counterpart Chameleon is not mentioned here as being a member of the raptor race to her own knowledge.

Shao Kahn... He destroyed the realm of Zaterra — my home. My kind is all but extinct; I believe the only survivors are Reptile and myself. I have spent a lifetime hidden from view, searching for a way to kill the emperor for what he did to my world. It seemed I had been given my chance when Reptile agreed to join forces and slay him — but once again Reptile fell under Shao Kahn's influence and turned against me. I barely escaped with my life.

For a long time I had given up hope. It seemed that Shao Kahn was invincible. His allies served and protected him, and those who fought against him only seemed to make him stronger. It was as if he fed on kombat itself. I wandered the realms aimlessly, uncertain of what could be done to stop him.

During my journeys, camouflaged to conceal my presence, I learned from a gathering of warriors that a great weapon would present itself in Edenia. The victor of some skirmish would be granted immense power — like that of a god. More alarming was the mention that Shao Kahn himself sought this power.

The emperor will not acquire it. I will find this weapon and use it to punish Shao Kahn and those who have served him. He will suffer greatly for destroying the Raptors.

To view the bio on the official MK: Armageddon website, click here.

Thanks to MKO reader Snow for sending the lead in on this story.