05/09/2008 01:28 AM (UTC)
m0s3pH Wrote:
Here's my rant:

My opinion on the idea of MK vs. DC: It's a horrendously stupid idea.

My opinion on Ed Boon: He's a fucking sellout.

My opinion on how the gameplay will be: They still haven't gotten 3D right after 4 console games, why would it change now?

My opinion on how the game will sell: It'll be a huge hit, because people don't know what quality games are. They just see Batman and are like ZOMG MUST BUY.

My opinion on how the storyline will be: Pssh, I play MK for the storyline, and this could be as enthralling as Harry Potter and I won't buy this game. There's a better chance of finding a cure for AIDS than me buying this game.

For my final piece, I want to say that if anyone responds to this post with "you are so totally not a true fan of MK, blah blah blah" then you are truly sad and don't know me at all.

Welp, here I go


I'd go on, but I think you've heard this a million times. DC kicks ass, blah blah blah, give it a chance, blah blah blah, etc. etc. etc. Yeah, I'm not typing all that stuff again. It's pointless because it never works.

So I'll just go with this: Why do you hate this idea so much?
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

05/10/2008 07:04 AM (UTC)
I'd like to rant on the "true mk fans". So because you intend to buy this game no matter what, and I have a problem with how this game is turning out....that makes me less an mk fan? I've seen people i considered to be alright turn into holier than thou pricks. "I'm buying this no matter what" ,"Anyone who doesn't buy this isn't a true fan". This type of shit is all i've heard, and yet you all (in your blind fanboyism) have yet to give me one truly great reason to buy this game.

"it's gonna have blood and finishers, stop crying" As said earlier, blood/gore and fatalities were one of the things that made this series successful, and to just throw that on the back burner to appease DC is nothing less then rediculous.

"it's got DC charactars" Why should I give a shit? I personally have never enjoyed comics. Sure there's the occasional one here and there, but i've never lived for comics. So why would I think it's a good idea to dillute an already robust roster and throw in a crappy explination to convolute a story that has truly seen better days?

If the foundation of something is crumbling, and people feel the need to keep building crap on top of it, eventually it will all fall to the ground. MK at it's very foundation, is rotting like the corpse of a charactar I used to be able to perform a fatality on. And all I hear is "OMG this is gonna be great and anyone else who doesn't think so shouldn't be on an mk forum".

Once again, people i've had respect for on this forum are just blind, deaf, and dumb to any type of criticism. I want a truly great, (from the ground up), MORTAL KOMBAT game. I question what i've seen because I see it as a misstep by a franchise I've loved since 6 or 7 years old. And because I love it enough to question something when I think it's wrong, I'm the one who isn't a true MK fan....fuck off.

To the people who are happy about this, I'm glad. Play it to your hearts content. Eat up every little piece of crap tossed to you. I've seen MK in it's prime, and believe it can be there again, but it hurts to see what's becoming of it.

Just my opinion. Sorry if I offended anyone, but if you did become offended and at any point in reading this and uttered to yourself "this guy's not a real mk fan" than I was likely talking about you. To the people that are constructive with their thoughts and bring an effective argument other than "ur not a fan" I respect you guys, keep up the good work.

About Me
The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
- Lead Graphic Designer - Mortal Kombat Online -





:Get Sig


:Fans [1] [2]


05/10/2008 03:49 PM (UTC)

Now, I'm gonna sound like a complete lunatic for a while here BUT,

I think "MK vs DC" is a hoax.

Yea, I know, whatever, but I went ahead and said it.

I think this is a very elaborate trick on the fanbase, and a distraction for the other fighting game franchises.

I think what they did is, they took heed early to the vs game rumors emergence, and did exactly what all those "fake" vids did....except, made it more convincing. I think that the designs may be concept art for what's coming...that Scorpion render, the Sub-Zero.....and I think Midway did have a connect with DC. BUT, I think they just might have paid for a limited license on Batman and Superman, and went as far as to name drop some credible writers from DC. Likely with permission so they wouldn't get sued.

Also note, we haven't heard from the writers yet.....but I bet we will. They can speak for themselves without revealing anything. But what have we? "The story is very under wraps..." Why? They don't wanna "ruin the surprise"? Gimme a fuckin' break! Haha...Especially when we know it's a cataclysmic event bringing the realms together, and magic effecting the super heros? Not a whole bunch else that hasn't been done before there, and for the intuitive minds out there such as the comic fanboys, it's certainly not something hard to predict or grasp right off. It's quite predictable iMo.

Anyway, this would mean, before E3 we'll get Superman, and maybe a Sub-Zero render like the Scorpion one.....but still no other confirmed roster characters.

I know it sounds crazy. I know. But I think they want to keep this game under wraps completely, until games like GTA4, SC4, and SF4 are already out for sale, and died down from their surrounding hype. So that way, there's nothing there to distract from MK attention. There's nothing else really big releasing in Oct//Nov besides "MKvsDC" and Gears of War2.

I think...I think E3 will end the hoax. And sometime around 4 months after E3, the game will release.....Oct//Nov//Dec. I think.

Reason for this little conspiracy rant, is I keep thinking; "Why is everything so sub-par right now? Why are they letting people all over the entire world be pissed off at them, when Midway needs people to be bursting with excitement about their games? They need money right? So what sense does it make to jeopardize your cash cow like that, unless it's a crazy marketing scheme that seems sure fire? Nobody in gaming history has done such a thing before, and what better way to get back at vengeful fans and the industry, than to take over the genre like they did back in the 90's with a supreme "ghost rider" marketing scheme?

I mean, look at this, Graphics alone are obviously contrived from whatever they were using to render MKA. There is no difference besides the characters design. Graphics are identical to last gen in this example. Nothing is more photo realistic besides what? The toned down shape of the characters? They're no longer bulky...? nah...that doesn't equal photo-realism>>

They can't possibly believe that this will pass for next gen gaming material with VF5 already out for more than a year. SC4 showing the improvements that is has, as well as SF4 showing it's new direction. No way they're idiots.

And if they could anticipate backlash, couldn't they have anticipated that we'd notice this shit? And planned around it? That's what MK is all about right? All the secret codes and finding out conspiracies...ect

They've always done a great job on eye candy....at-least. So what the hell is making them slack on that, right now? Doesn't make sense....especially as far as graphics go. They never half step right there. They didn't with MKdA, and I'm utterly disgusted to see that they actually might be with this new game. It's extremely hard to believe.

Another thing, is the industry and it's reporters. I think there are either still some heavy embargo's out there, OR, not even they know what the MKTeam is doing.

Otherwise there'd be more rumors circulating. And some other little leaks out there. But there aren't any. Wha? The way I'm looking at it for this little rant, is with sub-par "new" & "highly modified" UREngine3 output, and the entire fighting game fan base now looking at MK with even more disgust. Why proceed with this? Why not go in with something you know will definitely work. Not to say "do more of the same", but more like, "do a substantial progression on the make up of mortal kombat's past". That's all we want right? "A sufficient progression?"

I think it's because this is a ghost pitch // pump fake. Like acting like you're gonna throw a stick for a dog, but you hide your hand and let the dog run as far as they will. Only later to figure out that there was no actual bone thrown in the first place.

I think instead of tricking people into buying a badly rushed product, they're doing the opposite; and tricking people against the initial idea and away from focus of the real project. Only to truly reveal the real end product closer to release. Using the fans rumors against them for once, and causing some sort of "boom" effect for Midways sales in that quarter of the year.

I hope this is true. Either that, or I hope they have something really crazy that hasn't been released yet, set for E3. A better render package, better looking gameplay vids all around. From mechanics, to graphics. Cuz I've yet to see a real reason to actually want to buy the game.

My last suspicion comes from the presentation, and the conversations about the game so far.

When I'm reading or listening, or watching stuff about this game....it seems more secretive than is appropriate.

Like, take the story. "The Realms are merging"? Really dude? Magic is the key? REALLY? Like, how basically childish is that? lol

Who says this game ISN'T marketed to kids with a premise like that?

OR, it's too simplistic an explanation to actually be true. You ever heard the proverb: "Quick and simple answers are usually lies"? Well, this seems to be the case, regardless of this games sensitive story content. If that's basically the premise then...wow, that's kindergarten level story-book time.

You'd figure with all the war games coming out, with all these elaborately contrived story elements about why people fight, they could come up with something basically, more intriguing. Especially considering how mangled and intricate each of these franchises stories have gotten over the years.

I mean, you simplify it with "Teh realms iz mergin"?-- "Itz teh maj1k"? Come on MkTeam....wtf? They could've hit us with a name and a place.....or even a simple conflict. Mortal Kombat's about a contest. Not a cataclysmic event, another merger, and some magic. Who are you marketing to?

As for the presentation,

:::Free Fall Kombat is simply the Air Kombat from MKA with a different camera angle on it. Why fool people? Better yet reader, are you fooled?

:::Klose Kombat is simply a substitute for the switching stances of the last three games. It seems concentrated in description though, since they've attached only one dedicated "mechanic" to it this time around with "MKvsDC". Still though, what the hells up with the replacements? Why fool people?

:::Who wants watered down Fatalities? From what I've endured, not even the kids who get their hands on M rated MK games want that. MK's brand of Brutality and Violence are not akin to T for Teen (the SIMS are T rated, who are they fooling?). And anyway, it's just a toned down, and confined KAFatality by the way Boon's describing it. Nobody wanted to "punch in a series of commands as the character is performing the finishers" before so, why make us have it again in the form of "Finishers"? What kind of sense does it make, to make us have something we didn't want last time? Haha!

:::Nothing seems to have changed by the way the trailer looks, and as far as mechanics. Now, I know better than to definitively judge the game without playing it, but don't you think we should be able to? To some kind of extent? Shouldn't we be able to tell, from what the MKTeam has shown us, whether we like what we see, or not? That's a judgment I make on anything I see and conclude I want to buy. It's a primitive inclination to do that after all.

((ex: Kid sees toy on t.v., likes what he sees, and wants to have it.

Done. There is no "wait until you play with it to see if you want it"...there is only "Gimme". Based off what the kid saw.))

So I'm getting pretty sick of people saying "don't knock it til you try it", cuz that's bullshit. That's not how this relationship works people. Very rarely does the supplier - customer relationship work to where, I give you my money for something I saw I did not like. Saw something was wrong with it, and bought it anyway?!!? lol FUCK NO...That's an idiot customer, OR you're rummaging for parts of an overall failed unit of a thing. Like a "U-Pull-It" junk-yard for car parts. Don't be so stupid.

THIS relationship works best when they show me something they made....I like it or not, and then I buy it or not. Based off of what I saw that I liked about it. A teaser trailer is supposed to induce the excitement about what I see and know I want. OR, it let's me know if this game is for me or not.


It LOOKS like the same problems from last gen, still exist. Its still slow, block like, and clunky looking. Same thing was in MKda-MKA. Whether I'm "pulling people in close" for some boxing-like "mode", or not. What kind of moron would I be, if I saw a commercial advertising a broken product....and went and bought it anyway? No warnings, no nothing. But a car auction ad, has the disclaimer at the bottom of their screen, when they advertise. Cuz you juuust might get a broke vehicle tipping your hat, trying to bid on a car. So why show us something that broken...as the first trailer MKTeam?


So why would all this contribute to a conspiracy? Because if that trailer was a part of a hoax (the same as those earlier teaser trailers were), if that trailer was contrived of last gen mechanics and graphics(like I think it could have been, considering how lack luster it overall was), they could be holding out for E3 to unveil the actual, "New" gameplay mechanic and graphics. There's too much wrong with it, for it to actually be what they're running with for a Next-Gen, Re-Boot, Mortal Kombat game.

What's wrong with it? Well:

::Motion Capture is old. Go look at some MKdA - MKA gameplay vids and you will catch everything from the uppercuts, to the stomps, to the throws and the falls. Also, when Batman throws Sub-Zero, doesn't Sub-Zero resemble a limp crash dummy to you? Didn't Midway recently announce that they would be putting more into their games from here on out? What's the cheap effects for then? Actions don't co-operate with the claim from the parent company. Especially considering that MK is thee cash cow over there.

::Partical Effects are last gen like crazy. Go play in Goros Lair in MKA, knock somebody through a wall in that arena, and you will see it.

::Graphics are better than last gen, BUT they are absolutely sub-par for Next Gen clarification.

::Combos, and action reation are STILL happening waaay too slow.
*Right Hook-------Upper Cut* Imagine pushing that sequence in on your controller..sleep

And I'm not talking about the fact that it seems obviously unfinished. I'm talking about how old everything in the vid actually was. Conceptually, Execution-wise, and Presentation-wise. That ain't a next gen game trailer....That's a last gen trailer being passed off as a next gen trailer.

My question is: WHY would they show us something that they know a person with a vague understanding of these things like myself, would notice? Why risk that? And with such a weird idea to begin with....Why not make absolutely certain that the first thing we saw from this idea, was absolutely FANTASTIC? They're usually pretty good with this....why slack here now, unless this isn't the real deal?


Anywho, hope you had fun reading my conspiracy theory. I think there was more...but I'm tired of typing now....maybe I'll just edit a bunch of times or something.
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

05/10/2008 08:11 PM (UTC)
^^ your conspiracy theory gives me hope for some reason. haha.
05/10/2008 11:44 PM (UTC)
I dont know why but I just dont care for this game. Maybe its because I dont like DC but I just cant get excited about this game when I know Tekken 6, SF4, KOF IIV, and Soul Calibur IV are coming out soon.
05/12/2008 12:02 AM (UTC)
when I first heard of MK vs DC and watched the trailer I was like WTF!!

but after watching the trailer about 3 or 4 times I think its a great idea I mean if they had Marvel vs street fighter why not have DC vs Mortal kombat??
05/12/2008 05:04 AM (UTC)
BlackKhaos Wrote:
when I first heard of MK vs DC and watched the trailer I was like WTF!!

but after watching the trailer about 3 or 4 times I think its a great idea I mean if they had Marvel vs street fighter why not have DC vs Mortal kombat??

Is this a contest of who owns rights to which franchise ?

We have a mortal kombat official rant thread on an mk fan site !

(A) Capcom characters are simular to marvel in a way (both have an animish feel to them and they mix well example.. (Darkstalkers)

(B)Mortal kombat and dc don't mix at all !

(C)This is not Capcom making this gameconfused
About Me

-XB Live gamertag: I AM YOURDEATH -(PS2 Tag: MASTRMAL)

05/12/2008 04:13 PM (UTC)
shadowcat Wrote:
BlackKhaos Wrote:
when I first heard of MK vs DC and watched the trailer I was like WTF!!

but after watching the trailer about 3 or 4 times I think its a great idea I mean if they had Marvel vs street fighter why not have DC vs Mortal kombat??

Is this a contest of who owns rights to which franchise ?

We have a mortal kombat official rant thread on an mk fan site !

(A) Capcom characters are simular to marvel in a way (both have an animish feel to them and they mix well example.. (Darkstalkers)

(B)Mortal kombat and dc don't mix at all !

(C)This is not Capcom making this gameconfused

You're joking right? How in the world are Marvel characters and Street Fighter characters similar? You mean to tell me that Ryu and Shuma Gorath or even Wolverine are similar? You must explain this in full detail so that my primative mind can comprehend it.. On one hand, you have a bunch of martial artists that wield chi powers to enhance their attacks. On the other hand, you have intergalactic wariors (Gladiator, Thanos etc.) and mutant humans with enhanced superpowers that make some of them god-like (Magneto, Charles Xavier, the Hulk etc). What are the similarities?

The only thing that they have in common is that both camps can do things that normal people cannot do. Marvel characters far outclass anyone from Street Fighhter hands down. What made the Marverl vs Capcom series so great was the gameplay. The same can be said about the new MK vs DC. DC characters far outclass most of the MK characters in terms of abilities, the exceptions being the Shokans, the Centars, Shao Khan, Raiden and the Sorcorers. Those characters can actually put up a decent fight with some of the DC cast.

What will make or break this game for me is the gameplay and the potentially game-breaking glitches. Midway's track record so far has been less than stellar in terms of polished, glitch-free gameplay.

About Me

I am awesome.

05/12/2008 05:13 PM (UTC)
May Pred be right.
About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

05/12/2008 09:06 PM (UTC)
Hey malone, any chance you'll be going to e3 to try the game out and point the mk team in the right direction?grinwink
05/12/2008 10:25 PM (UTC)
Detox Wrote:
Hey malone, any chance you'll be going to e3 to try the game out and point the mk team in the right direction?grinwink

What exactly would that solve? e3 2006 didn't really help too much
05/13/2008 12:23 AM (UTC)
Sorry I don't find this game interesting.sad
05/13/2008 02:54 AM (UTC)
mastermalone Wrote:
shadowcat Wrote:
BlackKhaos Wrote:
when I first heard of MK vs DC and watched the trailer I was like WTF!!

but after watching the trailer about 3 or 4 times I think its a great idea I mean if they had Marvel vs street fighter why not have DC vs Mortal kombat??

Is this a contest of who owns rights to which franchise ?

We have a mortal kombat official rant thread on an mk fan site !

(A) Capcom characters are simular to marvel in a way (both have an animish feel to them and they mix well example.. (Darkstalkers)

(B)Mortal kombat and dc don't mix at all !

(C)This is not Capcom making this gameconfused

You're joking right? How in the world are Marvel characters and Street Fighter characters similar? You mean to tell me that Ryu and Shuma Gorath or even Wolverine are similar? You must explain this in full detail so that my primative mind can comprehend it.. On one hand, you have a bunch of martial artists that wield chi powers to enhance their attacks. On the other hand, you have intergalactic wariors (Gladiator, Thanos etc.) and mutant humans with enhanced superpowers that make some of them god-like (Magneto, Charles Xavier, the Hulk etc). What are the similarities?

The only thing that they have in common is that both camps can do things that normal people cannot do. Marvel characters far outclass anyone from Street Fighhter hands down. What made the Marverl vs Capcom series so great was the gameplay. The same can be said about the new MK vs DC. DC characters far outclass most of the MK characters in terms of abilities, the exceptions being the Shokans, the Centars, Shao Khan, Raiden and the Sorcorers. Those characters can actually put up a decent fight with some of the DC cast.

What will make or break this game for me is the gameplay and the potentially game-breaking glitches. Midway's track record so far has been less than stellar in terms of polished, glitch-free gameplay.


Darkstalkers can perfectly fit into a marvel world (looks proper)
PS: i said looks wise don't get to into detail see it for what it is

MK VS Dc on the other hand looks totaly ridiculus with the exception of a few charactersfurious
About Me

-XB Live gamertag: I AM YOURDEATH -(PS2 Tag: MASTRMAL)

05/13/2008 05:47 AM (UTC)
Detox Wrote:
Hey malone, any chance you'll be going to e3 to try the game out and point the mk team in the right direction?grinwink

My chances are very slim. My sone was born in July and we'll be celbrating his birthday in CA. After that, it's unlikely that I will travel back to CA to go to the E3 this year. I have the means to go but my schedule will more than likely not allow it. Sorry man sad. Hopefully, they get the message from what we all want in terms of gameplay from the forums. They do read these things you know, I asked them. grin

SubMan799 Wrote:
Detox Wrote:
Hey malone, any chance you'll be going to e3 to try the game out and point the mk team in the right direction?grinwink

What exactly would that solve? e3 2006 didn't really help too much

Actually, I didhave a direct effect on the game due to my trip to E3. Without the videos of all the 50/50 glitches and the explanations regarding all of MKD's infinites, the team would have never addressed them. I and a myriad of other MKO members put our heads together and documented MKD's faults and wrote potential solutions to said faults. I wrapped up the package nice an neat for the MK Team and gave it to them personally.

The result was the wake-up game and a reduction in the amout of free throws (although there are still quite a few free throws). All of the new infinites and whatnot are due to unforseen possibilities inherent within the Air Combat system. Without me and the others that participated, MKA would have played much, much worse. Trust me.

Thankls for your kind words.

About Me

-XB Live gamertag: I AM YOURDEATH -(PS2 Tag: MASTRMAL)

05/13/2008 05:50 AM (UTC)
shadowcat Wrote:
mastermalone Wrote:
shadowcat Wrote:
BlackKhaos Wrote:
when I first heard of MK vs DC and watched the trailer I was like WTF!!

but after watching the trailer about 3 or 4 times I think its a great idea I mean if they had Marvel vs street fighter why not have DC vs Mortal kombat??

Is this a contest of who owns rights to which franchise ?

We have a mortal kombat official rant thread on an mk fan site !

(A) Capcom characters are simular to marvel in a way (both have an animish feel to them and they mix well example.. (Darkstalkers)

(B)Mortal kombat and dc don't mix at all !

(C)This is not Capcom making this gameconfused

You're joking right? How in the world are Marvel characters and Street Fighter characters similar? You mean to tell me that Ryu and Shuma Gorath or even Wolverine are similar? You must explain this in full detail so that my primative mind can comprehend it.. On one hand, you have a bunch of martial artists that wield chi powers to enhance their attacks. On the other hand, you have intergalactic wariors (Gladiator, Thanos etc.) and mutant humans with enhanced superpowers that make some of them god-like (Magneto, Charles Xavier, the Hulk etc). What are the similarities?

The only thing that they have in common is that both camps can do things that normal people cannot do. Marvel characters far outclass anyone from Street Fighhter hands down. What made the Marverl vs Capcom series so great was the gameplay. The same can be said about the new MK vs DC. DC characters far outclass most of the MK characters in terms of abilities, the exceptions being the Shokans, the Centars, Shao Khan, Raiden and the Sorcorers. Those characters can actually put up a decent fight with some of the DC cast.

What will make or break this game for me is the gameplay and the potentially game-breaking glitches. Midway's track record so far has been less than stellar in terms of polished, glitch-free gameplay.


Darkstalkers can perfectly fit into a marvel world (looks proper)
PS: i said looks wise don't get to into detail see it for what it is

MK VS Dc on the other hand looks totaly ridiculus with the exception of a few charactersfurious

Nope, I still don't see how Anime style comics mesh well with the gritty American style comics. I will probably never see it your way, but nice try. tongue

05/14/2008 12:47 AM (UTC)
I don't see why everyone is so pissed off about this game. All it is, is a fun little project that they are expierimenting with and it doesn't mean that MK games in the future will only be crossovers. Capcom has made a lot of crossover fighters and they still didn't neglect the streetfighter franchise or radically change it. This probably won't be my favorite MK game but, I'm willing to try it and I think it would be fun to beat up Scorpion with Batman.
Those who say they will abandon the series forever is going to eat their words once the real MK8 comes out.
05/14/2008 11:35 PM (UTC)
shadowcat Wrote:
mastermalone Wrote:
shadowcat Wrote:
BlackKhaos Wrote:
when I first heard of MK vs DC and watched the trailer I was like WTF!!

but after watching the trailer about 3 or 4 times I think its a great idea I mean if they had Marvel vs street fighter why not have DC vs Mortal kombat??

Is this a contest of who owns rights to which franchise ?

We have a mortal kombat official rant thread on an mk fan site !

(A) Capcom characters are simular to marvel in a way (both have an animish feel to them and they mix well example.. (Darkstalkers)

(B)Mortal kombat and dc don't mix at all !

(C)This is not Capcom making this gameconfused

You're joking right? How in the world are Marvel characters and Street Fighter characters similar? You mean to tell me that Ryu and Shuma Gorath or even Wolverine are similar? You must explain this in full detail so that my primative mind can comprehend it.. On one hand, you have a bunch of martial artists that wield chi powers to enhance their attacks. On the other hand, you have intergalactic wariors (Gladiator, Thanos etc.) and mutant humans with enhanced superpowers that make some of them god-like (Magneto, Charles Xavier, the Hulk etc). What are the similarities?

The only thing that they have in common is that both camps can do things that normal people cannot do. Marvel characters far outclass anyone from Street Fighhter hands down. What made the Marverl vs Capcom series so great was the gameplay. The same can be said about the new MK vs DC. DC characters far outclass most of the MK characters in terms of abilities, the exceptions being the Shokans, the Centars, Shao Khan, Raiden and the Sorcorers. Those characters can actually put up a decent fight with some of the DC cast.

What will make or break this game for me is the gameplay and the potentially game-breaking glitches. Midway's track record so far has been less than stellar in terms of polished, glitch-free gameplay.


Darkstalkers can perfectly fit into a marvel world (looks proper)
PS: i said looks wise don't get to into detail see it for what it is

MK VS Dc on the other hand looks totaly ridiculus with the exception of a few charactersfurious

I totally agree, as a matter of fact I think you helped me relieze what I dont like about this game.

I just cant see MK and DC together and take it seriously. Whatever the hell Capcom did with MVC was magic because the two worlds just melted together so well.
About Me
The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
- Lead Graphic Designer - Mortal Kombat Online -





:Get Sig


:Fans [1] [2]


05/17/2008 11:07 AM (UTC)
New Rant coming..lol

I probably should start a blog somewhere hu?
05/17/2008 12:02 PM (UTC)
Detox Wrote:
I'd like to rant on the "true mk fans". So because you intend to buy this game no matter what, and I have a problem with how this game is turning out....that makes me less an mk fan? I've seen people i considered to be alright turn into holier than thou pricks. "I'm buying this no matter what" ,"Anyone who doesn't buy this isn't a true fan". This type of shit is all i've heard, and yet you all (in your blind fanboyism) have yet to give me one truly great reason to buy this game.

"it's gonna have blood and finishers, stop crying" As said earlier, blood/gore and fatalities were one of the things that made this series successful, and to just throw that on the back burner to appease DC is nothing less then rediculous.

"it's got DC charactars" Why should I give a shit? I personally have never enjoyed comics. Sure there's the occasional one here and there, but i've never lived for comics. So why would I think it's a good idea to dillute an already robust roster and throw in a crappy explination to convolute a story that has truly seen better days?

If the foundation of something is crumbling, and people feel the need to keep building crap on top of it, eventually it will all fall to the ground. MK at it's very foundation, is rotting like the corpse of a charactar I used to be able to perform a fatality on. And all I hear is "OMG this is gonna be great and anyone else who doesn't think so shouldn't be on an mk forum".

Once again, people i've had respect for on this forum are just blind, deaf, and dumb to any type of criticism. I want a truly great, (from the ground up), MORTAL KOMBAT game. I question what i've seen because I see it as a misstep by a franchise I've loved since 6 or 7 years old. And because I love it enough to question something when I think it's wrong, I'm the one who isn't a true MK fan....fuck off.

To the people who are happy about this, I'm glad. Play it to your hearts content. Eat up every little piece of crap tossed to you. I've seen MK in it's prime, and believe it can be there again, but it hurts to see what's becoming of it.

Just my opinion. Sorry if I offended anyone, but if you did become offended and at any point in reading this and uttered to yourself "this guy's not a real mk fan" than I was likely talking about you. To the people that are constructive with their thoughts and bring an effective argument other than "ur not a fan" I respect you guys, keep up the good work.


Well, this is not exactly how I see it. I see what you're saying. If you don't want to buy this game, then by all means, don't buy it. But from my point of view, I see all these people saying "Mortal Kombat is dead to me now" and selling off all their stuff just because of one game. It doesn't bug me how people don't buy this game. They're still fans, they just think Boon and co. made a bad descision. It's fair enough.

But when I get people going around forums saying "I'm selling off all my shit because Batman is in this game", it pisses me off, because they once called themselves fans. If you abandon a series because you disagree with the idea of Batman and Sub-Zero together, then you can't be as much of a fan as you thought you were.

If you don't buy this game, fair enough. But if you abandon MK because of this game, you're not a true fan.

Is my reasoning understandable?
05/17/2008 03:28 PM (UTC)
ThePredator151 Wrote:
New Rant coming..lol

I probably should start a blog somewhere hu?

LOL I wouldn't mindgrin
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The Ultimate Mortal Kombat Experience
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05/18/2008 06:12 PM (UTC)
Something to look at in the meantime...Call it...call it "Wipe the Slate Clean".


No real dispute on the in-game graphics but, Rendered Graphics beg to be questioned. Meh, I'll post those comparisons too.

1. Old compared to new. MKA Shinnok vs MKvsDC Scorpion Graphics.
2. UnReal Engine 3 Comparison.
3. Mitsurugi Comparison.
4. If it's in-game, here's a comparison. Mitsurigi in-game.
5. Another In-game comparison. Fighting Genre.
6. Tekken 6 Jin vs Scorpion MKvsDC
7. Virtua Fighter 5 Comparison.
8. Street Fighter 4 Comparison

Did these over time in other various threads. Thought they deserved to be here together, instead of scattered all over the site.

About Me


05/19/2008 06:25 AM (UTC)
to the "This will be the worst MK ever because the graphics suck and there is no Fatalities" crowd:

If you have to rely solely on visuals to make your game good, then the game sucks. Blood and gore should only be there as a compliment to excellent gameplay (which this franchise is lacking) not as a focal point. If this is a solid fighting game, then it could possibly be the best MK yet.
05/19/2008 02:49 PM (UTC)
ThePredator151 Wrote:
Something to look at in the meantime...Call it...call it "Wipe the Slate Clean".


No real dispute on the in-game graphics but, Rendered Graphics beg to be questioned. Meh, I'll post those comparisons too.

1. Old compared to new. MKA Shinnok vs MKvsDC Scorpion Graphics.
2. UnReal Engine 3 Comparison.
3. Mitsurugi Comparison.
4. If it's in-game, here's a comparison. Mitsurigi in-game.
5. Another In-game comparison. Fighting Genre.
6. Tekken 6 Jin vs Scorpion MKvsDC
7. Virtua Fighter 5 Comparison.
8. Street Fighter 4 Comparison

Did these over time in other various threads. Thought they deserved to be here together, instead of scattered all over the site.

Nice one. Agreed on the gameplay part, even if we haven't seen much..It doesn't look good sofar. I'm really really curious how the game is going to play and if they got more in store then these gadgets.

Another thing that popped into my mind when I saw your gameplay comparison picture, is that graphics of MKA where really sad. Still it can be a whole lot better, because the leap from MKA to MK 8 should be bigger. The other fighting games look way sharper. I really tought that the character in the VF5 comparison pic was a real person, no joke!

On a more positive side! I'm glad they didn't decide to give Scorpion those giant ass feet like Ken and Ryu. Still SF 4 looks good.

About Me

You work with what you got...not what you hope for.

05/19/2008 09:03 PM (UTC)
"Well, this is not exactly how I see it. I see what you're saying. If you don't want to buy this game, then by all means, don't buy it. But from my point of view, I see all these people saying "Mortal Kombat is dead to me now" and selling off all their stuff just because of one game. It doesn't bug me how people don't buy this game. They're still fans, they just think Boon and co. made a bad descision. It's fair enough.

But when I get people going around forums saying "I'm selling off all my shit because Batman is in this game", it pisses me off, because they once called themselves fans. If you abandon a series because you disagree with the idea of Batman and Sub-Zero together, then you can't be as much of a fan as you thought you were.

If you don't buy this game, fair enough. But if you abandon MK because of this game, you're not a true fan.

Is my reasoning understandable?"


Now that, I completely agree with. I remember somebody on this board specifically was about to do the same thing, and that really made no sence to me at all. If you want to be mad at this game, that's fine, but to just throw away all of those memories is just beyond ignorance. Mortal Kombat was truly great in the past, and to just cast all that aside is just being stupid. Good points dude.

As I said, i wasn't really ranting about the game. Hell, i'm gonna end up playing it at some point or another, but no matter how good or bad this game turns out to be, I'm not going to just cast all those fond memories I have of Mortal Kombat aside.
05/20/2008 02:36 AM (UTC)
..... I dunno, it could be good, like Marvel vs. Capcom or Super Smash Bros., or it could really, really suck
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