01/17/2013 01:25 AM (UTC)
Mick-Lucifer Wrote:
For updated information visit the Kreate-a-Kharacter VII hub.
For an extra perspective, check out the KAKVII Roleplaying thread.

DAY 9:

Group A: Sphere versus Blizzard
Group B: Neuros versus Dai Kahn
Group C: Ekimaru versus Kwah Dah
Group D: Kira Sherry Motoaki versus Xorah


No vote

I couldn't decide whether her trashiness or him being another ice clone was worse. To me, they're kind of even otherwise, so I don't know...

Kira's a really cool concept, but her twat floss and tit tape almost made me hate her. Almost...
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Right here is where the end gon' start at... Konflict, kontact 'n' kombat

01/17/2013 01:28 AM (UTC)
Group A: Sphere
Group B: Neuros
Group C: Ekimaru
Group D: Kira
A bit harsh/vulgar on wording about description there. Do note that I gave the two artists the freedom to change up her outfits for situation which resulted in what you see. If it helps, Kira used to have a full dress for the longest time, but I guarantee someone would point and go "Nao clone" on here. Said dress was a dead ringer for the one worn by Mabinogi's Nao if not for a handful of aesthetic changes I specifically made to clearly differentiate them. It might've also impeded her movement somewhat, which is why I went to what you see for use in fighting situations.
01/17/2013 01:33 AM (UTC)
here are my votes.

A. Sphere
B. Neuros
C. Ekimaru
D. Kira

Not bad Blight. Interesting x-ray.
About Me

Right here is where the end gon' start at... Konflict, kontact 'n' kombat

01/17/2013 01:54 AM (UTC)
Specifically, some of this costume changing had to do with her development outside of MK. I point to the star insignia on the latter (alt) outfit. It's the mark of whom employs her abilities. Somebody else came up with that outfit first, and THEN the second artist refined it. I'd say her primary is more conservative overall, and it's her most recent outfit change.

Also, part of the reasons for her extreme makeover to what you see is because I had to go all the way back to the drawing board to re-fashion a better history for Kira as well as to remove from her any cursory ties and visual reminders of connections to two certain people. This was about two years ago. See, I was the victim of a backstabbing and betrayal by two people I thought had been my friends for the longest time... they played me as a scapegoat to project their sins onto me and come out looking sinless, and worst of all, they tried to make off with all of my creations and intellectual property, Kira included, until I threatened legal action since I knew where they lived and had actual evidence to use against them.

[Evidence was in the form of chat logs, dictated conversations from Skype that I also recorded with another application, etc. They thought I was stupid, and I'm the farthest thing from stupid.]

The less I have to mention those two people that make my blood boil, the better.


TLDR version: Had to reinvent Kira in ways in order to remove reminders of two people that tried to ruin my good name and all I've created on lies, deception and B.S.

It's the closest I've ever gotten to, deep down inside, actually wanting to go out and murder someone MK-style because of how seriously I was offended and angered by it. Thankfully, I've also found a group of new friends that sympathized with me and actually came to comfort and support/back me in the aftermath, so such thoughts are a distant memory now.
01/17/2013 01:56 AM (UTC)
I already re-created Maia, a whole new character now!smile
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Signature made by Zmoke

01/17/2013 02:19 AM (UTC)
mwgrant0 Wrote:
I already re-created Maia, a whole new character now!smile

Kind of odd, considering we're so far into the competition. But whatever suits you will make the other "Maia" posts somehow irrelevant, right?

My Votes:
Group A: Sphere
Group B: Neuros
Group C: Ekimaru
Group D: Kira Sherry Motoaki

Also, does this mean after 3 matches you are out of the competition/in the semi-finals, or does it mean after 3 losses? Or am I completely wrong on both?
About Me

Right here is where the end gon' start at... Konflict, kontact 'n' kombat

01/17/2013 03:24 AM (UTC)
NO, the top 2 from each group will advance when the match-ups are done, if I understand it correctly. OH WAIT, you mean after that. No, I think it's a quick matchup as indicated, and whoever wins those matches moves on to the next.
01/17/2013 03:32 AM (UTC)
Group A: Blizzard (supporting my own)
Group B: Neuros
Group C: Ekimaru
Group D: Kira

As other contestants are telling their omitted contents for the original contest posts, here were two deleted animations from the contest post for Blizzard: a Babality and a Match Taunt. The Babality is a nod to his younger brother's MK3 Friendship:

Babality- Snowman: Blizzard shrinks into a toddler with the same costume. Motioning his hands/forearms circularly, he creates snowy precipitation and tosses it upward above him. He stands there with his arms outstretched to the sides as a bundle of snow drops on him, covering everything but his eyes. He remains in the same pose and blinks his eyes occasionally throughout the announcements.

Match Taunt: Blizzard faces the screen, summons his Xuehua blades in both hands, and moves the left one to the right hand to form a symmetric snowflake shape. He holds the combined blades aloft, lets out a short laugh (Ha-ha-ha!), and lowers his arm with the blades vanishing in the process. He turns toward his opponent and resumes his fighting stance.

Also, I am creating a more original (boss) character for MKO KAK VIII. The only teaser I'll give is that he belongs to a race introduced in Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance. Until next time...
01/17/2013 05:37 AM (UTC)

Kind of odd, considering we're so far into the competition. But whatever suits you will make the other "Maia" posts somehow irrelevant, right?

I took what you said into consideration and i agreed i renamed her Nigi Mitama, a spirit of wonder, but she has a whole new story, when i posted it she was going to have the same name.
About Me

Never shake hands with a man who wears his heart on his sleeve.

~ Master Fuji's Fortune Cookie

01/17/2013 05:38 AM (UTC)
Group 1: Blizzard
Group 2: Neuros
Group 3: Ekimaru
Group 4: Kira

legoslayer10 Wrote:
OK. I'm ready to have my head clobbered in then slammed back out as my big boss-esque character.

Well I hope you like unbearable agony, 'cause here comes a Full-Kontact Character Beatdown!


Name: Alas! What grim creature is this "Phantom," this dark and enigmatic silhouette that strikes when you least suspect? You feel an ominous disturbance in the air, and as you pause you catch a fleeting glimpse from the corner of your eye -- but too late! Before you realize what has happened, you have become the next victim of a hideous murder-Fatality. Was it a vengeful apparition? A Shadow Priest? A wraith of the Netherrealm? Who is this mysterious stranger, this...

Appearance: ... seven-foot, fiery orange goliath with a robot scorpion tail twice the length of his body, wielding an enormous blade the likes of which we haven't seen since we totally spotted it a mile away?

Okay, so Phantom isn't very good at being phantom-like. Now that our "dark and mysterious phantom" expectation has been repeatedly beaten to death with its own leg, should we dare make a guess on the story behind this monstrous ninja scorpion?

Story: Oh. He is, in fact, a monstrous version of the ninja, Scorpion. Maybe we should have expected that.

Phantom's saga begins immediately after MKDA, when Scorpion passes through the Soulnado into the Void. Scorpion's hellfire is given life of its own, and takes the form of an actual scorpion-boy. (By this logic, had Johnny Cage fallen through the Soulnado instead, his green magic crap would have come to life as a giant humanoid chain-link fence.) Living amongst the Elder Gods, the boy sits in the Void watching Mortal Kombat unfold on their TV, and somehow learns to be an expert fighter by doing nothing but watch a lot of kung fu movies. After years of squatting on their couch, the Elder Gods finally notice this seven-foot monstrosity blocking their view and are all like, "Hey kid! Quit mooching off our cable, punk!" and they ship him off to Armageddon the way dads ship off lazy teenagers to boot camp.

The kid shows up in Edenia at the absolute least helpful time, and survives Shao Kahn's infinite beatdown through sheer, improbable luck. A metal shard lodged in his brain gives him godly intelligence, and the first thought that crosses his mind is that holy shit, he's been naked all this time and nobody told him! So he jacks some clothes off his father's corpse and dives through a portal in time, embarking on an epic journey to save himself some embarassment in the past. This is the story of that journey.

Phantom lands in Japan many years earlier. Because this giant scorpion monster is wearing a ninja uniform that's six sizes too small, an arms dealer mistakes him for a ninja and gives him a free ninja weapon. Sweet! Later, in the forests of Japan, he comes across the body of a dead Spartan warrior (from the famous Spartan clans of Hokkaido, no doubt) and plunders his corpse helmet even though it doesn't fit, because as we learned at the weapon shop he can't resist a bargain. Then he fights some ninjas with his mad kung fu movie skills, killing them so hard that the head ninja invites the giant clan-slaying horror to join his clan. But before he goes, he steals the clothes off one of the ninjas' bodies. By this point we realize that Phantom has a problem, because Gods help him, he just can't resist undressing a corpse.

Let's pause for an intermission here. Go ahead and grab a snack. Everybody back? Okay....

The very moment that he joins the Lin Kuei, he narrowly escapes being turned into a giant ninja scorpion cyborg, then crosses the forest from Japan into China. (We now know he traveled as far back as the Ice Ages, before the Japanese islands were cut off by the Pacific Ocean.) In China, he kills a bunch of Tarkatans with some kind of burning, goopy discharge. Tarkatans don't wear much clothing, so he goes internal and corpse-plunders some arm blades instead, making him a giant ninja scorpion with blades for arms.

Because of his recent fit of goopy discharge, he needs some new clothing now. So he kung fu's some animals and strips their corpses, beats up Reptile, then heads for "the main town of Earthrealm" (we hereby nominate Fucking, Austria to be the main town of planet Earth) and jumps through a portal to the Nexus. There, he looks into a floaty... webby... something and sees Hotaru messing with Shujinko. Nobody fucking messes with Shujinko, so Phantom bursts out of reality like Kool-Aid Man and tail-whips Hotaru so hard it changes his backstory from Seidan to Edenian. This change in MK canon saves the realms from Hotaru's orderly douchetitude, so Shujinko congratulates him saying, "Thank you, strange warrior. You have saved the realms." And Phantom is all like, "I know." (He totally should have put on sunglasses while speaking that line.)

But Phantom's journey is far from over! He goes on to time-split himself into two separate timelines, killing Raiden and Onaga in one and the Tekunin and already-dead Shirai-Ryu in the other, thus committing extra genocide against his father's own people. And then, finally, he makes it back to Armageddon to kick some ass and give his naked past self some freaking clothes, thus bringing his epic adventure through space and time to a satisfying close. The End.

Gameplay: All the jokes were used up for the Story section, so here's the Gameplay short and simple. He has a decent array of special moves, but if he's going to have two projectiles then one of them should have a different effect. For example, one high and one low; one normal fireball and one that does something special. If there is no difference between the two moves besides looks, then one of them is kind of useless.

Personality: Aside from punching everything he sees in the face and denuding their dead bodies, we really don't see much of Phantom's personality. Based on what we do know, maybe it's better this way....

Conclusion: Here are some story tips for the future:

1) A character doesn't have to meet every single guy in Mortal Kombat in order to fit in. Just one or two meaningful connections is plenty, and it works a lot better that way.

2) A character doesn't have to save the universe to be important. Even Liu Kang, the Champion of Mortal Kombat, is only a piece of the big puzzle of many heroes doing their own small things. (And even winning the tournament is still just a small thing) We're not necessarily looking for the next megastar of Mortal Kombat, a new Shujinko or Taven. We're looking for a new character who adds richness and variety to the story and roster without taking them over, like Kenshi and Havik did.

3) A character doesn't have to be the ultimate badass to be powerful. We have seen every character in Mortal Kombat lose a fight, and that's what makes their stories dramatic. Liu Kang, the undefeated champion, had one of the most uninteresting stories in the whole roster until he had to die to get some respect.

You know you're going in the right direction if the character's story sounds like an actual in-game bio.

Beatdown Lineup: Dead Soul, Blizzard, Eastwind, Ekimaru
01/17/2013 06:15 AM (UTC)
^ Heh, that was entertaining.

A bit harsh/vulgar on wording about description there. Do note that I gave the two artists the freedom to change up her outfits for situation which resulted in what you see. If it helps, Kira used to have a full dress for the longest time, but I guarantee someone would point and go "Nao clone" on here. Said dress was a dead ringer for the one worn by Mabinogi's Nao if not for a handful of aesthetic changes I specifically made to clearly differentiate them. It might've also impeded her movement somewhat, which is why I went to what you see for use in fighting situations.

Oh don't concern yourself much with my potty mouth, I was mostly joking, hehe (hence the vulgarity). wink I certainly think her outfit is too fan servicey, almost unjustifiably so, but this is MK! Hehehe.... Female characters are tits with fists! I guess that's the one and only justification... But her shirt is really stealing Mileena's thunder, no?
About Me

Never shake hands with a man who wears his heart on his sleeve.

~ Master Fuji's Fortune Cookie

01/17/2013 07:16 AM (UTC)
projectzero00 Wrote:
... she is a loving and caring mother that wants peace for her realm but when someone stands in her way make no mistake, she will tear them apart!

That's what I was referring to when I pointed to MKD-era Sindel. She's basically the same there.

projectzero00 Wrote:
I thought it would be kinda cool to elaborate on the character everybody was talking about and who she really is.

It is a cool idea, and you did very well with it, but that doesn't change the fact that this character is already a minor character in the MK universe. Sure, we don't know her official name and story yet, but centering on her is the same as centering on any other minor character, which is technically against the Contest Guidelines. Other than that, the quality of her entry would easily place her in the Top 8 finals in my book.
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big thanks to flameshang for the sig.

01/17/2013 07:28 AM (UTC)
01/17/2013 08:29 AM (UTC)
Group A: Blizzard

Group B: Neuros

Group C: Ekimaru

Group D: Kira Sherry Motoaki
01/17/2013 12:45 PM (UTC)
umbrascitor Wrote;Phantom Beatdown

BTW, is it odd that I got bored and already started my KAK8 kharacter?
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Signature made by Zmoke

01/17/2013 01:42 PM (UTC)
legoslayer10 Wrote:
BTW, is it odd that I got bored and already started my KAK8 kharacter?

Nope. I'm pretty sure both me and Riyakou have started. Why not join the fun? Also, I have the perfect idea for a character for next time! Thing is, I'm wondering if anybody still cares about Chaosrealm . . . *hint, hint*
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<img src=http://i1205.photobucket.com/albums/bb424/astro407/Baraka407---Baraka-Sig---GIF1.gif?t=1302751589

01/17/2013 04:40 PM (UTC)
Group A: Sphere (solid x-ray move incorporating character style a plus)
Group B: Dai Kahn (good foundation for a formidable character)
Group C: Kwah Dah (Very close for me, but this character feels very unique)
Group D: Xorah (I can really picture this character being a part of MK)
01/17/2013 04:55 PM (UTC)
legoslayer10 Wrote:
umbrascitor Wrote;Phantom Beatdown

BTW, is it odd that I got bored and already started my KAK8 kharacter?

Eh, I've been tossing around ideas myself. I created at least four different characters almost immediately after the last one, heh... But didn't end up using any of them. Looking back, there is one in particular that stands out as vastly superior to the one I chose. Well, she seems that way, at least... So I've already dug up my notes on that entry, heh.
01/17/2013 07:51 PM (UTC)
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art by fear-sAs
01/17/2013 07:54 PM (UTC)
legoslayer10 Wrote:
umbrascitor Wrote;Phantom Beatdown

BTW, is it odd that I got bored and already started my KAK8 kharacter?

I've got concepts for at least 3 characters to choose from.
About Me

Signature made by Zmoke

01/17/2013 10:18 PM (UTC)
I'm pretty sure right now I have at least 6 or more to choose for next [or the next 6] times :P
. Infera - Chaosrealm
. Mitsu-Ginchyo - Earthrealm
. Anicula - Nexus
. Captain Iles - Seido/Orderrealm
. Vipehr (Probably Not) - Zaterra
. Kouri - Edenia

Also, I noticed that Hotaru is, like, the only character from Orderrealm . . . Unless Dairou and Darrius are . . .
Sorry for the off-topic
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01/17/2013 10:43 PM (UTC)
Group A: Sphere
Group B: Neuros
Group C: none
Group D: Xorah
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art by fear-sAs
01/18/2013 01:19 AM (UTC)
New post in the RP thread if people are interested.
01/18/2013 01:42 AM (UTC)
Group A: Sphere
Group B: Neuros
Group C: Ekimaru
Group D: Xorah

If anyone, Xorah will definitely make it to the finals.
01/18/2013 01:49 AM (UTC)
A: Blizzard
B: Neuros
C: Ekimaru
D: Xorah
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